Kamco Descaling Pump Manual
C20 | C40 | C90 | C210
Kamco Descaling Pump Manual
April 2022 edition
21 |
P a g e
Completing the descale, disposal of the solution and testing.
Once complete the descaling solution can be dumped out
of the system, either into a suitable container for
potential further use, or down a suitable foul sewer.
Before dumping down a sewer the solution acidity should
be neutralised using neutralising crystals.
The amount of crystals necessary will depend on the
volume and strength of the solution. Use pH test
equipment for this purpose.
For units with flushing facility:
To dump the solution the valve on the return side of the
unit should be rotated 180° so that the handle is pointing
The waste solution is now directed down the dump hose.
Whilst dumping, the water level in the tank will start to
drop. Open the water inlet tap to replenish the water
within the tank, ensuring the level is keep above the
minimum marker.
The pump is now circulating fresh water into the system
purging it of contaminated water.
First circulate in one direction and then the other until
the water is running clear. Check the pH to ensure all
acidity has been removed.
If the pump is not to be used for a period of time, wash out the pump after use by circulating clean water through it,
to prevent any residues from drying and causing the rotor to jam.