18 x superb quality, tri colour ultra high power 3w LEDs
Red, green and blue flicker-free 3w LEDs
Suitable for film and production purposes
Full colour mixing via DMX or manual mixing
Built-in programs
DMX and Master/Slave modes
Four different channels modes: 9 / 3 / 4 / HSV
Sound-to-Light and stand-alone modes
Dual bracket for rigging and floor use
Compact and slim housing design
Heavy duty professional housing
Dimensions: 340 x 220 x 60mm (LxWxH)
Weight: 3Kg
M A N U A L V E R S I O N 1 . 0
D A T E 1 6 - 1 0 - 1 1
For the latest instruction manual updates and information on the entire Kam range visit:
Kam products are manufactured by:
Lamba plc
, Unit 1, Southfields Road, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom LU6 3EJ
Telephone: (+44) (
1582 690600
• Fax: (+44) (
1582 690400
• Email: [email protected] • Web: www.lambaplc.com
If this product is ever no longer functional please take it to a recycling plant for environmentally friendly disposal.
Due to continuous product development, specifications and appearance are subject to change. © Copyright Lamba plc 2011. E&OE.
Powercan Tri54w Slim
Ultra high power RGB LED par can lighting