Page 4
Pattern 0
lge square
Pattern 1
small square
Pattern 2
2x horizontal flat beam
Pattern 3
2x tunnel
Pattern 4
wavy line
Key switch. This is a safety device and when the key is turned anti clockwise no laser light will be emitted from the laser,
turn the key clockwise to activate the laser
There are 3 dmx sockets on the rear panel, 3pin xlr in/out sockets and 1 x 5pin socket for mini controller
Variable sensitivity control for sound activation
Dip switches for dmx channel address
Main on / off switch
Please Note: To enable you to control your Laser with the Mini Controller,
make sure the dipswitches on the laser are set as follows Dip switch 1 and 10 in the on position.
L A S E R 6 0 C O N T R O L L E R
Kam laser 60 controller
i n s t r u c t i o n
m a n u a l
w w w . k a m . c o . u k
Kam C-60 laser controller manual 1.qxp:Layout 1 24/4/08 18:16 Page 1