There are 11 hotkeys offering quick access to the most commonly used
functions. Press Fn + F1 through F12 to activate the desired function.
Windows Hotkeys
Fn + F1
Fn + F2
Fn + F3
Fn + F4
Fn + F5
Fn + F6
Fn + F7
Fn + F8
Fn + F9
Fn + F10
Fn + F12
Media Player
Volume Down
Volume up
Previous Track
Next Track
Anti-Ghosting Keys
Your HVER™ features 26 full anti-ghosting keys to ensure all your
keystrokes are registered, especially during intense gaming sessions.
These keys are: Tab, Q, W, E, R, T, CapsLk, A, S, D, F, G, L Shift, Z, X,
C, V, B, M, L Ctrl, L Alt, Space,
RGB Zone Backlight Functions
The RGB LED backlight can be set to one of seven different standard
colors, or set to one of many multi-color lighting patterns.
Fn + 1 = Zone color rotation
Fn + 2 = Zone color breathing
Fn + 3 = Zone color jump
Fn + 4 = Solid color (red, purple, yellow, white, blue, green, aqua)
Fn + 5 = Solid color breathing
(red, purple, yellow, white, blue, green, aqua)
Fn + 6 = Flashing color rotation (red, purple, yellow, blue, green, aqua)
Fn + 7 = Flashing color rotation (red, blue, green)
Fn + 8 = Solid color fixed (red, blue, green)
Fn + 9 = Static Red/purple/blue mix