Shenzhen Just Motion Control Electro-mechanics Co., Ltd
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command. Low Proportional Gain provides a stable
system (doesn’t oscillate), has low stiffness, and the
current error, causing poor performances in tracking
current setting command in each step. Too large
proportional gain values will cause oscillations and
unstable system.
Current loop Ki
Adjust Ki to reduce the steady error. Integral Gain
helps the drive to overcome static current errors. A
low or zero value for Integral Gain may have current
errors at rest. Increasing the integral gain can reduce
the error. If the Integral Gain is too large, the system
may “hunt” (oscillate) around the desired position.
This parameter is used to change the damping
coefficient in case of the desired operating state is
under resonance frequency.This parameter is useful
in high speed.
Amp 1
Phase 1
2DM860H Driver provides robust anti-resonance
control to stop the vibrations and maintain
Amp1 and Phase1 is Phase adjustment for 1st and
Amplitude adjustment for 1st resonance area
respectively. Usually between 0.6rps and 1.2rps.