Assembling the pedal lock to the footrest pedal
Slide the hinge mechanism plate of the pedal inside
the pedal lock part. Push it as far as the pedal
lock front end can turn up in the track on the pedal.
Pull the pedal lock backwards, so that the front end of
the pedal lock will stay in the track
Lift the pedal lock rear end to equal level with the front end.
Now try that the pedal lock can freely slide front and back on the pedal track.
Assembling the footrest:
Slide the pedal to the rail. Consider the rail front end to be the one with oval shaped
attachment hole.
Place the foam washers around the attachment holes at the back side of the rail in both ends.
Slide the rail end parts to the both ends of the rail.
Fasten the footrest by screwing it through the kayak hull from the outside. Notice that
srews are not ment to attach the rail itself, but they fasten to the rail end parts which will tighten
the complete footrest package properly against the kayak hull.
Assembly and installation instruction
ITEM: KS-footrest
Dated 10.2.2012
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