historical data view will display “No Data”. After one minute of data has been
collected, readings will begin to appear on the screen.
Data is available in three different frequencies: daily, hourly, and per-minute.
Cycle through the frequencies by tapping the selected frequency on the right
menu, and navigate through the historical data by swiping left and right on
the chart.
Views: Settings
Used to adjust basic settings of the device, such as the standards used for
each pollutant, and basic user interaction settings.
General > PIN
Used to enabled or disable a security PIN code, and adjust the relevant set-
Toggle is used to enable or disable the use of the PIN code on the
device. When disabled, no PIN code will be requested from users at any point
in time, and anyone with access to the device may interact with it.
Require PIN:
Select “Always” to require the security PIN for all interaction with
the device - this should be chosen for maximum security available. Selecting
“Settings” will require a PIN code to interact with the settings page, but not
with the My Air or Data views.
Auto Lock:
The auto lock is used to define the duration of user inactivity after
which the PIN code is required to interact with the device.
General > Pair Device
Used to display a unique QR code for the device. This may be scanned by
supported mobile apps to add the device or remotely view readings from the
device. For details, see the guide for the app being used.
Modular sensors currently inserted into the two bays of the Sensedge will be
displayed on this page. The model number of the module is displayed, along-
side the current readings of the sensor, and the module’s health.