Configure Modbus Settings - Prepare for Configuration
Download the Kaiterra Configuration Tool and install it on your computer.
After the device has been turned on, it will automatically enter the configuration mode for 15 minutes. The
STATUS light will flash in yellow. If your device isn’t in configuration mode, please turn off the device and turn
it back on again.
Configure Modbus Settings - Connect to network
Open network settings on your computer and look for the Wi-Fi network that starts with “Kaiterra”. Connect
your computer to that network.
On the Configuration Tool, you can enter a name for the device (e.g. the location of the device or the serial
number) and a project tag. This will provide easy identification and filtering in the configuration history page
later on to help you quickly connect the device to the Kaiterra dashboard.
Enter the Modbus settings details to the applicable fields on the Configuration Tool, including your Modbus
address (enter a number between 1 and 247), AQI standards, and pollutants to include in your AQI calculation.
Please consult the facility manager or other responsible personnel if the Modbus address is not clear.
Click save and disconnect your computer from the “Kaiterra” network.