Page 1: ...City Nagano Pref 386 01 apan TELEPHONE UEDA 0268 351600 REP TELEX 3327409 KAISE FAX 0268 35 1603 Pr nted in apan Юl 2 halse C INSttRUCT10N MANUAL Digital LEAKAGE CLAMP METER MODEL SK 7810 30mA 300mA 60A MODEL SK 7815 mA A V 渕 粒 KA SE CORPORAT10N ...
Page 2: ...h surge VOltage that could pOssibly induce dangerOus arcs Of explosive shorl in the instrument and could result in serious illury tO the operator VVhen measuring dange ous voltages of High Power Line o High VO tage Cirouit always place the instrument away from your bOdy w thOut holding it with yOur hands Do nottouch the Clamp Meter ts Test Leads or any part ol the circuit wh e itis on CONTENTS l l...
Page 3: ...rfrequencymore than 150Hzis cul o 8 Auto PowerSave This funcl on saves battery consumptiOn when switch off is forgotten O Safety Design autholzed with CE Markin9 as n passed EMCD and LVD ofIEC 1010 1 Tests l 3 UNPACKING AND NSPECT ON Before unpacking examine the shipping carton for any sign of damage unpack and inspectthe instrumentandaccessor esforanydamagefrom mechanical shock water leakage o ot...
Page 4: ... LEVEL IEC 010 1 0vervoltage Category III class H 回 EMCD Test passed consumpt on after abou1 30 minutes of Power on o the other switch opera ton POWER HOLD PH Turn On POWER Swnch wnh DH Key being pressed PH symbOl shows on LCD and contnuous measurements longer than 30 minutes are ava able 22 0VERLOAD PROTECT ON rerertO Measu間 ng Specificat ons 23 CONOuCTOR D AMETER MaX 30mm ψ 24D MENS ONS WElGH了 2...
Page 5: fo1l m uto 2 SPEC FiCAT ONS OF MODEL SK 7015 O CuRnEIITく ヽ mA Average n ectryin9 3 NAMEILLUSTRAT ON SK 7810 DH Key MAX MIN Key POVVER SW tCh Display LCD COMP Key OUTPUT Termina POWER N Key swnch COMP Key DIsplay LCD V COM Term nal Accuracy 50 60Hz Flte uso 10 13d9tadded a1 50160H2 鷺 q lo cMttdO lCS 1 0 0 訳5 H 00H Ove oad P o oclon 100A 600V L ne io mn te in o o 10 1 3091 add d a 5o760Hz Freqoen...
Page 6: ...A lo 20mA c Siart of Measurement Press DH Key aFterseting up the des red value Buzzer sounds if measur ng input value exceeds the value being set NOTE f COMP Key is pressed during measurements the set up value is dis played for one second iPress COIИ P Key lor more than 2 seconds COI P symbol turns off and this funct on is canceled NOTE COMP Key does notoperate when MAX MIN Koy s on AIso MAX MIN f...
Page 7: ...eads and Oody Belore every measuremenl do notfan to confirmthatthebodyOfthisinstrumentandhan dle insulators Ofthe attached testleads have no cracks norany other damage onthem Make sure thatthe body and the handle insula 10rs are free of dust grease and moisture PH BAT POllyER HOLD symbol Turn on POWER Swnch with DH Key be ng pressed and cont nuous measurements longerthan 30 minJtes becomes avallab...
Page 8: ...S iN HANDLiNG N CAUT10N l Do notpolsh the metercase or attempt to clean it w th any cleaning fluid 9aSO ne benzine etc l子 necessary use sni con ol or antistat c luid ゝCAUT10N 2 Avo d severe mechanica shock or vibrat on extreme temperature or very strong magnet c fields ヽ CAUT ON 3 Remove the batte es when nOt in use fOr an extended time since the exhaust ed batteries might leak electrolyte and cor...
Page 9: ... i Caulon rerertO nstruclon manua Direct Current DC Anernattng Cu rent AC DC and AC Dlode Earlh G ound Terminal Fuse Double lnsu at on 薔 母 回 5 2 AC LEAKAGE CURRENT mA MEASUREMENTS To avoid electr c shock hazard and or damage to the instrument do nol attemptto measure AC curre n that might exceed lhe maximum input current or the range being used Line vo tage must beleSs than 600V AC l SetPOWER S tc...
Page 10: ...ent do nOt attemptlo measure AC current that m19ht exceed 60A the maxlmurn i口 put currenl oithe range Line VOltage musi be less than 600V AC l Set POVVER Swilch to NM PositiOn fneces sary setit toに PF pos tiOn 2 Set FUNCT10N Sw ch io 60A range on SK 7810 and to A range on SK 7815 3 0pen CLAMP HEAD and clamp On a single conductor NOTE ftwo or more conductors are placed within the CLAMP HEAD the mea...
Page 11: ...ivalent bater es WARNING To prevent eleclric shock hazard tllrn off power and remove Clamp Head and Test Leads before removing Battery Case L d Replace Batterv Case Lid and screw the screw NOTE lf the instrumenl ls taken out of ser vice for an extended time remove the bateles from Baterry Case and store separately Casc Lid Battery Rear Case Fig フ 6 3 CALIBRAT10N Inorderiomaintainthespecficatonsdes...
Page 12: ...r ginal purchaser This warranty s exlended by KAISE AUTHO R12ED DEALER on y lo original purchaser or original user ofthe instrumenl on cond tion thatthe vVar ranty Registrat on Card is completed and returned to the author zed dealer within two wooks afterthe purchase ofthe iilsirumoni new from the dealer The ob 19ation undert lis warranty to be executed by KAISE AUTHORiZED DEALEn is lm ted lo repa...