Medicine quality and security, precise therapy and efficient treatment are getting more and more
critical for people’s life. It is trend to use digitalized and informative system to monitor and
guarantee the process from manufacturing to usage of medicine. Kaicom PDA is a kind of
handheld terminal to capture data with barcode and QR. It can get unique information of each
medical object, and interact with healthcare platform.
Medicine transportation & monitoring
Medicine transportation is highly demanded. It’s very important to control the environment of
the freezing container in shipment. Kaicom PDA can integrate with temperature sensors,
monitor the whole transportation process and transmit real-time data to hospital or medicine
store system.
Drug management
Drugs are the basis of hospital. It needs excellent system to manage the storage and usage.
Kaicom PDA is like terminal nerves to capture and send data to management center. With
timely information, patients can get proper treatment.
Search & diagnosis
In the past, doctors need to write clinical history in paper. Or record patient information in PC.
It restraints the communication when the doctor leaves office to check the sickness. It needs
mobile products for data connection.
Kaicom PDA can record history of each patient, help doctor to know well of the status. It not
only provide efficient therapy, but also improve relationships between doctor and patient.
Nursing service
Daily nursing is a complex work. It needs to be patient and careful. But there still has some
mistakes happened. Kaicom PDA helps to reduce mistakes.
With PDA, nurses can receive and download information form platform. They can know the
location and ID of patient, when and where to give what kind of treatment to them like
injection, doze, time and frequency. Everything is in control with Kaicom PDA.