3.4.2 Determining personnel
Suitable personnel are experts who, by virtue of their training, knowledge, and experience as well
as their knowledge of relevant regulations can assess the work to be done and recognize the pos‐
sible dangers involved.
Authorized operators possess the following qualifications:
■ are of legal age,
■ are familiar with and adhere to the safety instructions and sections of the service manual rele‐
vant to operation,
■ have received adequate training and authorization to operate vehicles and electrical and com‐
pressed air devices.
Authorized maintenance personnel possess the following qualifications:
■ are of legal age,
■ have read, are familiar with and adhere to the safety instructions and sections of the service
manual applicable to maintenance,
■ are completely familiar with the safety concepts and regulations of motor vehicle, electrical and
compressed air engineering,
■ are able to recognize the possible dangers of motor vehicle, electrical and compressed air de‐
vices and take appropriate measures to safeguard persons and property,
■ have received adequate training in and authorization for the safe installation and maintenance
of this machine.
Authorized transport personnel possess the following qualifications:
■ are of legal age,
■ are familiar with and adhere to the safety instructions and sections of the service manual rele‐
vant to transporting,
■ are trained and authorized in safe vehicle transporting,
■ are familiar with the safety regulations relating to handling motor vehicles and transport goods,
■ are able to recognize the possible dangers of motor vehicles and take appropriate measures to
safeguard persons and property.
➤ Ensure that personnel entrusted with operation, maintenance and transporting are qualified
and authorized to carry out their tasks.
3.4.3 Adherence to inspection schedules and accident prevention regulations
The machine is subject to local inspection schedules.
➤ Ensure that local inspection schedules are adhered to.
3.5 Dangers
Basic instructions
The following describes the various forms of danger that can occur during machine operation.
Basic safety instructions are found in this service manual at the beginning of each chapter in the
section entitled 'Safety'.
Warning instructions are found before a potentially dangerous task.
Safety and Responsibility
Operator Manual Screw Compressor
No.: 9_9547 13 USE