background image

K-2 BRAKE SYSTEM: Be certain end of center sill (15) to bear brake wheel 
has been identified. Begin by placing air tank (1) with tapered end toward 
brake wheel end of car as seen in Fig. C, exploded view. Note that lever (2) 
has a clevis projection to enter into end of air tank (see Fig. D). Fit these 
together, then enter mounting studs of these parts into proper holes In center 
sill (15). Do this once on a trial basis without cement to gain a better idea of 
the procedure. Next, mounting studs of lever (3) are entered into holes In 
car body and at the same time, Insert rod (5) into clevis openings of levers 
(2) and (3) as seen In Figs. C and D. Use cement on the joined parts. 
Dirt trap (4), briefly mentioned earlier, is to be detached from Its original 
position as It comes joined to the triple valve on end of air tank (1). It Is to 
be swung around to form a right angle with the air tank (Fig. D). Note also, 
air line pipe (8) must pass through opening of tee on end of dirt trap piping 
(4). One end angle of pre-bent pipe (8) can be reduced, using pliers, to allow 
It to pass through dirt trap tee. When this has been done restore bend In 
pipe to former angle. Slide dirt trap assembly along pipe (8) until correctly 
positioned to cement free end of piping Into elbow on triple valve at end of 
air tank (see Figs. C and D). Cement ends of (8) Into center sill. 
A halt must be called In brake system assembly at this point. This Is because 
two rods (7) and another rod (6) must pass through slots In cross bearers 
(20A and 20B) of the truss system. This can be seen In Fig. L. Rod (6) must 
also pass through an opening In the end bunk closest to the brake wheel 
(Fig a.). These rods are to be added later. 
Three staples (10) are supplied as supports, one for lever (3) and two for 
lever (2), as seen In Fig. C. These can be Installed and cemented now. 


 Center stud projections of 

end bunk assemblies (23) are entered into extreme outer ends of elongated 
holes In center sill (15) so bunks are spread as far apart as possible. Flashing 
may be found on sides of center stud, make sure these areas are clean 
for a proper fit. Enter ends of truss rods (21) through holes in queen posts 
(22), (Sea supplement Instruction sheet for further clarification’ feeding one 
queen post onto each end of each pair of rods. Handle these rods carefully 
since they will bend under pressure. Next, enter queen post shank pins into 
holes In cross bearers (20A and 20B). Truss rods can be kept in alignment 
much better If the piece of paper (supplied) Is entered through the open 
turnbuckles across the complete set of rods. This prevents them from twisting 
around temporarily, then the paper can be removed once rods are secured 
Into end bunks. Now secure the rod ends Into the end slot of sill. (Refer to 
supplementary Instruction data Fig. U-1). Place this whole truss assembly 
on underside of center sill, being sure notches in the bearers fit properly 
over pipe “8” and align the holes on truss system with the posts on center 
sill (15). Once the truss system Is located on center sill, slide end bunks 
(23) toward extreme Inner ends of elongated holes In center sill, capturing 
the truss system between the two end bunks. 


 Be sure 

end castings (16 and 17) are clear of 
flashing in all openings, especially where 
the thin ends of the center sill enter these 
castings. Note: End casting (16) bears a 
ratchet assembly to carry the brake wheel, 
this fits at car end earlier marked with a 
letter “B”. Thus It Is properly placed to 
accept the rod from the brake system. End 
casting (17) without brake ratchet, naturally 
fits the opposite end. 
Now before proceeding further, flatten the 
head of the short 1/2” common pin with a 
pair of pliers. Thread It through the end link 
of the 5/8” piece of chain as shown In Fig. 
O. Next push pin all the way Into the hole on the Inside of end casting (16) 
and out through the brake ratchet. Put brake wheel on exposed pin end and 
cut off pin leaving about 1/16” protruding beyond brake wheel. With pliers, 

pinch pin as close to brake wheel as possible to flare It, cut off just enough 
of the flat so the wheel will not come off. (See Fig. O and Fig. P). Slide end 
castings onto ends of center sill (see Fig. N). Once the couplers have been 
fitted to the draft gear, enter these assemblies into end castings. Apply a 
little Kadee


#231 “Greas-em”, burnishing and polishing will greatly reduce 

friction of working parts and improve coupler performance.  Assemble the 
coupler as shown in Fig. R. Add #231 “Greas-em” to Inside of coupler unit 
and work coupler back and forth. Be sure coupler consistently snaps back 
to center position before continuing further. Slide assembled draft gear unit 
into the end casting as shown in Fig. M and secure draft gear boxes to end 
sills by Inserting pins (18) In mounting holes (see Fig. M and C). Position 
rod (6) in holes In cross bearer (20B) and log bunk (23) but do not secure to 
lever (2) yet. Now capture the end link of the 5/8” chain, from brake wheel, 
with the looped end of brake rod (6). Close the loop with pliers to secure the 
chain. Cement straight end of rod (6) Into clevis on lever 2 (see Fig. a and 
Fig. C). Use our #205 or #206 coupler height gauge to check for the correct 
height and trip pin clearance. The HO-Scale N.M.R.A. standard for coupler 
height is the centerline of coupler at  25/64” (.390”). Use our #237 Trip Pin 
Pliers to carefully adjust the trip pin clearance if necessary.

FINAL ASSEMBLY: The two brake rods (7) can now be entered through 
slots In cross bearers so their straight ends cement Into clevis openings of 
levers (2 and 3). The bent ends of rod cement into holes In center sill (see 
Fig. L). Install two air pipes (9), one at each end of car, by entering straight 
end of the rods into openings In end casting at rear of where air hoses (14) 
are located, then enter bent end Into hole In center sill. All this can be seen 
In Fig. a. To prevent wheels from hitting center sill (15) on extremely tight 
radius curves, carefully scoop out wheel wells with a Sharp blade at the points 
where wheels touch sill. Likewise, on extremely tight curves, the bearing 
pad of truck frame could pass beyond corresponding pad on underside 
ends of end bunks, thus they might stub and catch when returning from 
the curve. To remedy this, file the top of truck bearing pad slightly round as 
seen In Fig. C (Inset). 
Now the two center bunks (24) can be installed In the holes on the side sills 
(19) and across the center sill (15). These bunks are to be located directly 
over the cross bearers (20A and 20B). Insert 2-56 screw (33) through truck 
frame (32), then through king pin bearing plate (31) (with sprue removed) 
and thread Into center stud of end bunks located In center sill (see Fig. C). 
Finally, cement air hoses (14) Into openings at side of end castings (Fig. a). 

Like this model !!! Then try our other super fine “Masters Builders” kits. 
#102 Skeleton Log Flat Is the same as the #103 except It has no truss 
system, and only two bunks. The #101 Disconnected Log Car Is a unique log 
hauling arrangement. The #104 Industrial Caboose Is designed after logging 
prototypes. All cars are equipped with Kadee






3. Place glued end 
over  the  knuckle 
retaining  post  and 
t h e n   c o m p r e s s 
spring  so  that  it 
may  slip  over  the 
opposing  shank 
retaining  post.  See 
Fig. 3.

4 .  C a r e f u l l y 
remove pic from 

Fig. 2.

673 Avenue C

White City, Oregon 97503- 1078 U.S.A.

© 2008 Kadee


 Quality Products Co.             62008

Fig. 3.


To  prevent  losing  knuckle  springs  by  being 
dislodged use the following steps and supplies. 




241 Dual Tool (Manual Uncoupling Tool 

& Spring Pic), small piece of blue denim cloth, 









similar type cement.


 Always follow 

safety instructions for the cement that you may 
be using.

1. To pick up spring place it on the cloth (this 
allows the small springs to be seen and picked 

up  easier)  and  insert 


241  Dual Tool  (Manual 

Uncoupling Tool & Spring 
Pic) into spring between 
coils near one end. See 
Fig. 1.

2. Touch one end of the spring into the cement 
so  that  no  more  than  one  or  two  coils  are 
coated (too much cement will hamper coupler 
performance). See Fig. 2.

Fig. 1.


Not for children under 14 years.

Made Entirely 

 in the U.S.A.


673 Avenue C, 
white City, OR 97503-1078 

© 2010, Kadee


 Quality Products Co.

Quality Products Co.








Fig. L

details such as 

stakes and chains 

have been omitted

Fig. O

Fig. P

Fig. N

details such as stakes 

and chain, truss system, 

couplers and draft gear are 

left out here for clarity.




Fig. Q


rod (6) 




in bunk

clean flashing from inside 

of all openings so ends of 

center sill and draft gear 

may fit into end castings 

with ease!





Fig. M

Fig. R
