Mark to Alert
Mark to Alert
function allows you to add specific GPS locations
to your personal database, alerting you to any point of interest you
choose, such as construction zones, speed traps or red light cameras.
Press and release
on the remote control when you want to
mark a location for alert.
A voice announces “Marked to Alert”.
In the future, you will be alerted as follows:
When you arrive…
You will hear a…
…within a radius of 1500 feet
..."Approaching marked location"
of the marked location
and the alert light(s) will flash twice
...at a marked location
...single “Bing” tone and the alert
light(s) will flash once
To remove the previously marked location from your database:
Press and release
while in the marked location.
To remove all stored locations: Press and hold
for 10
seconds at any time.