K1EL K45 CW Modem Manual K45
K-45 User’s Manual - Rev A.0
Page 5
ESC D – Dump Display Window(s)
The contents of the Rx and/or Tx windows can be sent (dumped) to a host PC for display or archiving. The
following menu is shown and a selection is made using the left and right arrows:
Display Dump Setup
Dump not enabled
Figure 1a – Display Dump Setup Menu
1) Dump not enabled : This selection turns display dump off and is the default.
2) Rx Window Only: The contents of the CWR Rx window are sent to the host.
3) Tx Window Only: The contents of the K45 transmit window are sent to the host.
4) Rx & Tx Left/Right: The contents of both windows are sent, Rx in a left column, Tx right.
5) Rx & Tx Top/Bot: The contents of both windows are sent, Rx first then Tx.
6) CWR Stream Enabled: This enables a continuous stream of CWR Rx data to the host.
Selections 2 through 5 start when the user presses the Enter key. A message will be displayed while the
transfer is underway. When complete, the menu will clear. There will be no further transfer until the user
opens the menu again and starts a new one. Selection 1 is the default and is the idle selection.
Decoded Morse from the CWR can be sent to the host as it is received. To start the stream select item 6
and press Enter to start. The stream will continue until the user returns to the menu, picks Item 1 and then
presses ENTER.
If there is no host connected, an error message will display and the menu will be cancelled. To leave the
menu without making changes press the ESC key. There are several terminal programs that run on a PC
and capture the window dumps, display them, and save them to a file. A very popular one is called
TeraTerm and is free. The serial data settings are 19200 baud, 8 bit, with no parity.
ESC K - Key mapping Menu
The mapping of K45 keyboard keys to Morse characters can be customized. This feature is primarily used to
customize mappings for international character support.
=== Key Mapping ====
( key maps to KN
Figure 2 – Key Mapping Menu
As shown, there are three data entry points:
1) The character you wish to edit.
2) The character you wish to map it to.
3) Optional
letter of a prosign.
When the menu is first shown, the cursor will be at position 1. Enter the key to remap here. When a key is
entered, the Morse letter it currently maps to is shown at position 2. To change the mapping, use the right
arrow key to move the cursor to position 2 and enter a new letter. Position 3 is optional, sometimes the
target letter can only be represented as a combination of two existing letters, this is commonly known as a
prosign. To create a prosign, simply enter the letter pair at positions 2 and 3. Otherwise just enter a space in
position 3. To continue with a new mapping move the cursor back to position 1 and enter a new key to map.
When finished, ENTER will save the mapping(s) to EEPROM. ESC will cancel the mapping and revert to the
pre-existing mappings. Following the above example, after saving the mapping, the prosign KN (dah-di-dah-
dah-dit) will be sent when the ( key is pressed.