Kommander-KA02 I
User Guide
The update procedure lasts in about 15 minutes: after updating
the Kommander-KA02 I amplifier unit reboots.
Update via USB
A. Make a folder named
(case sensitive) on the root of
a USB key or drive.
B. Open the K-array website on the Internet browser on your
PC or Mac.
C. Navigate the Products->Software menu and scroll down to
the Download section of the Software webpage.
D. Download the osKar System (ensure to be registered to
the website in order to proceed with the download) and
save the update file with extension
into the
folder on the USB drive.
E. Plug the USB drive to a free USB port on the amplifier rear
F. If not already operating, switch on the Kommander-KA02 I
amplifier unit.
G. Connect your mobile device to the Kommander-KA02 I
amplifier unit and access the embedded web app.
H. In the Advanced menu the Install via USB button activates
when the USB drive contains the .mender update file in the
proper folder.
9. Press on the Install via USB button to start updating the
Kommander-KA02 I amplifier unit.
The update procedure lasts in about 15 minutes: after updating
the Kommander-KA02 I amplifier unit reboots.