1. Set SENSITIVITY switch to G20.
2. Set Pol Time to 2 sec.
3. Turn off Gamma Change alarm.
4. Turn off printer.
5. Turn on "Power On" switch.
When the "Power On" switch is turned on, the following sequence should take place:
• Power light comes on (immediately).
• Random numbers displayed on LCD readout display.
• Delay (internal checkout) for 10 sec.
• Display update with first reading.
During the two seconds of polarization, a voltage is being applied to the sensor coils. At the end of polarization,
the following takes place:
• The LCD readout goes blank during READ time.
During READ time, the pulses are coming from the Fish and are being counted by the Control Box. At the end
of the 1/4 second READ time:
• READOUT is updated with the new pulse count (gammas divided by 20).
• Polarization (2 seconds) takes place once again.
• After a few cycles the readout should be steady (may slowly drift over time).
If everything is okay, the unit should continue to cycle (POL on for 2 seconds, READ on for 1/4 second (LCD
readout goes blank); until the Power switch is turned off.
To insure the unit is properly working, have a second person approach the fish with a gallon size steel can.
• When the can is within 6' of the head of the fish the system should start seeing the can (the
numbers in the readout should start down). As the can is moved closer to the head the numbers
should continue to go down.
Put the sensitivity switch in the G1 position. This is the most sensitive position, the position you would like to
normally operate the Proton 4. However, due to outside electrical noise, when the unit is out of the water, you
may not be able to operate in this position. When in the G1 position:
1. The readout is displaying gammas and the number should be approximately what the map
indicates for your area.
2. The readout will jump /- 1 or 2 due to outside noise. If the numbers jump around
excessively (15 to 20 gamma) then the fish needs to be tuned or the electrical noise in the area
is just to noisy to operate in the G1 position.
3. The number in the readout will slowly drift (up or down) while the sensor coils and fluid temperature
NOTE: If any of the above sequence does not take place, see TROUBLESHOOTING in the back of this
manual or call the factory 800-822-4744 or 508-822-7330.