background image


Connecting the leads / 



µËÕ “¬µ–°—Ë«






• To prevent short-circuit, cover the terminals of the UNUSED leads with insulating tape.


°“√ªÈÕß°—π°“√≈—¥«ß®√ ®–µÈÕßæ—π¢—È« “¬µ–°—Ë«∑’ˉ¡Ë„™È·≈È«¥È«¬‡∑ªæ—𠓬‰ø (Insulating tape)

Amplifier / 





You can connect an amplifier and other equipment to
upgrade your car stereo system.
• Connect the remote lead (blue with white stripe) to

the remote lead of the other equipment so that it
can be controlled through this unit.

• For amplifier only:

– Connect this unit’s line-out terminals to the

amplifier’s line-in terminals.

– Disconnect the speakers from this unit,

connect them to the amplifier. Leave the
speaker leads of this unit unused. (Cover the
terminals of these unused leads with
insulating tape, as illustrated above.)

Twist the core wires when connecting.


∫‘¥‡ Èπ≈«¥·°π‡æ◊ËÕ‡™◊ËÕ¡µËÕ


Connections Adding Other Equipment / 



°“√µËÕ‡æ‘Ë¡‡µ‘¡‡¢È“°—∫Õÿª°√≥ÏÕ◊Ëπ Ê


Rear speakers



Remote lead



Signal cord (not supplied with this unit)


 “¬‡§‡∫‘≈ —≠≠“≥ (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)

Y-connector (not supplied with this unit)


¢ÈÕµËÕ√Ÿªµ—« Y (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)

Front speakers



Blue with white stripe






















JVC Amplifier



‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ’¬ß JVC

To other equipment or automatic antenna if any


µËÕ‡¢È“°—∫Õÿª°√≥ÏÕ◊Ëπ À√◊ÕµËÕ‡¢È“°—∫‡ “Õ“°“»Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘ ∂È“¡’

JVC Amplifier



‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ’¬ß JVC

You can connect another power amplifier for front speakers.


∑Ë“π “¡“√∂µËÕ‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ’¬ß ”À√—∫≈”‚æßÀπÈ“‰¥ÈÕ’°‡§√◊ËÕßÀπ÷Ëß

Only for KD-S895 / 

 KD-S895 / 


KD-S895 /

External component / 














For KD-SX745/KD-SX695 / 

 KD-SX745/KD-SX695 / 


KD-SX745/KD-SX695 /

Line Input Adapter KS-U57 (not supplied with this unit)




Õ·¥ª‡µÕ√Ï “¬ —≠≠“≥‡¢È“ KS-U



JVC CD changer jack


™ËÕ߇ ’¬∫µËÕ¢Õ߇§√◊ËÕ߇≈Ëπ´’¥ JVC  CD

Signal cord (not supplied with this unit)


“¬ —≠≠“≥ (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)

External component



See page 23 in the INSTRUCTIONS (separate volume).






 ¢ÕߧŸË¡◊Õ°“√„™È (§π≈–‡≈Ë¡)

Solder the core wires to connect them securely.


‡™◊ËÕ¡∫—¥°√’‡ Èπ≈«¥·°π∑—ÈßÀ¡¥‡¢È“¥È«¬°—π ‡æ◊ËÕ§«“¡ª≈Õ¥¿—


PRECAUTIONS on power supply
and speaker connections:

• DO NOT connect the speaker leads of the power

cord to the car battery; otherwise, the unit will
be seriously damaged.

• Connect the black lead (ground), yellow lead (to car

battery, constant 12 V), and red lead (to an
accessory terminal) correctly.

• BEFORE connecting the speaker leads of the power

cord to the speakers, check the speaker wiring in
your car.
 If the speaker wiring in your car is as

illustrated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 below, DO NOT
connect the unit using that original speaker
wiring. If you do, the unit will be seriously
Redo the speaker wiring so that you can connect
the unit to the speakers as illustrated in Fig. 3.

 If the speaker wiring in your car is as

illustrated in Fig. 3, you can connect the unit
using the original speaker wiring in your car.

– If you are not sure of the speaker wiring of your

car, consult your car dealer.

Fig. 3

























Front speakers



Fig. 2

Fig. 1









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błË Ê« wJOðUuðËô« wz«uN« Ë« Èdšô«  «bF*« l

*2: Firmly attach the ground wire to the metallic body

or to the chassis of the car—to the place not
coated with paint (if coated with paint, remove the
paint before attaching the wire). Failure to do so
may cause damage to this unit.






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30/12/02, 5:33 PM


Summary of Contents for KD-S895

Page 1: ... SOUND VOL VOL SOURCE R F U D ATT CD RECEIVER KD S895 INSTRUCTIONS π π GET0134 001A U For installation and connections refer to the separate manual ÿ Ÿ ŸË Õ Ë µË ßÀ π µ µ Èß ËÕ µËÕ CD KD S895 ËÕß Ëπ CD KD S895 ...

Page 2: ...n those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure BEFORE USE For safety Do not raise the volume level too much as this will block outside sounds making driving dangerous Stop the car before performing any complicated operations Temperature inside the car If you have parked the car for a long time in hot or cold weather wait until the temperature in the car becomes normal before o...

Page 3: ...TION 16 What is MP3 16 How are MP3 files recorded and played back 16 MP3 OPERATIONS 18 Playing an MP3 disc 18 Locating a file or a particular portion on an MP3 disc 19 Selecting MP3 playback modes 21 SOUND ADJUSTMENTS 22 Selecting preset sound modes C EQ custom equalizer 22 Adjusting the sound 23 OTHER MAIN FUNCTIONS 24 Changing the general settings PSM 24 Detaching the control panel 25 TROUBLESHO...

Page 4: ...h DISP display button e Remote sensor r MO monaural button t RPT repeat button y RND random button u Number buttons i E EQ equalizer button o CD button control panel release button Display window a LOUD loudness indicator s EQ equalizer indicator d CD in indicator f CD indicator g FM band indicators FM1 FM2 FM3 h AM band indicator j Tuner reception indicators MO monaural ST stereo k Volume or audi...

Page 5: press the button the source changes 7 Searches for stations while listening to the radio Fast forwards or reverses the track file if pressed and held while listening to a disc Skips to the beginning of the next track file or goes back to the beginning of the current or previous tracks files if pressed briefly while listening to a disc 1 Turns on the unit if pressed when the unit is turned off ...

Page 6: ...cause the battery to give off heat crack or start a fire CAUTION DO NOT leave the remote controller in a place such as dashboards exposed to direct sunlight for a long time Otherwise it may be damaged Preparing the remote controller Before using the remote controller Aim the remote controller directly at the remote sensor on the main unit Make sure there is no obstacle in between Do not expose the...

Page 7: ...ou turn on the power CAUTION on Volume Setting Discs produce very little noise compared with other sources If the volume level is adjusted for the tuner for example the speakers may be damaged by the sudden increase in the output level Therefore lower the volume before playing a disc and adjust it as required during playback Turning on the power 1 Turn on the power Note on One Touch Operation When...

Page 8: ... clock time or change the display mode Press DISP display repeatedly Each time you press the button the display changes as follows During tuner operation During disc operation Notes While playing a conventional CD NO NAME appears for the disc title performer and the track title For indication change while playing a CD Text or an MP3 disc see pages 15 and 19 During power off The power turns on and ...

Page 9: ...stops To stop searching before a station is received press the same button you have pressed for searching Searching a station manually Manual search 1 Select the band FM 1 3 AM Each time you press the button the band changes as follows Note This receiver has three FM bands FM1 FM2 FM3 You can use any one of them to listen to an FM broadcast 2 Press and hold or 4 until M manual starts flashing on t...

Page 10: ...r frequencies To tune in to stations of higher frequencies MO monaural indicator Storing stations in memory You can use one of the following two methods to store broadcasting stations in memory Automatic preset of FM stations SSM Strong station Sequential Memory Manual preset of both FM and AM stations FM station automatic preset SSM You can preset 6 local FM stations in each FM band FM1 FM2 and F...

Page 11: ...for a few seconds Notes A previously preset station is erased when a new station is stored in the same preset number Preset stations are erased when the power supply to the memory circuit is interrupted for example during battery replacement If this occurs preset the stations again Tuning in to a preset station You can easily tune in to a preset station Remember that you must store stations first ...

Page 12: ejects from the loading slot The source changes to the tuner you will hear the last received station If you change the source CD play also stops without ejecting the CD Next time you select CD as the source CD play starts from where playback has been stopped previously Notes If the ejected disc is not removed for about 15 seconds the disc is automatically inserted again into the loading slot ...

Page 13: ...CD to go back to the beginning of the current track Each time you press the button consecutively the beginning of the previous tracks is located and played back To go to a track quickly 10 and 10 buttons 1 Press M MODE to enter the functions mode while playing a CD 2 Press 10 or 10 The first time you press 10 or 10 button the track skips to the nearest higher or lower track with a track number of ...

Page 14: ... turned on the and RND indicators light up on the display A track randomly selected starts playing To play back tracks repeatedly Track Repeat Play You can play back the current track repeatedly 1 Press M MODE to enter the functions mode while playing a CD 2 Press RPT repeat while still in the functions mode so that TRK RPT appears on the display Each time you press the button track repeat play mo...

Page 15: ...recorded This CD Text information will be shown automatically when you play a CD Text To change the CD Text information manually select text display mode while playing a CD Text Each time you press the button the display changes as follows Notes The display shows up to 8 characters at a time and scrolls if there are more than 8 characters See also To select the scroll mode SCROLL on page 24 Some c...

Page 16: ...t A playlist is a simple text file used on a PC which enables users to make their own playback order without physically rearranging the files What is MP3 MP3 is an abbreviation of Motion Picture Experts Group or MPEG Audio Layer 3 MP3 is simply a file format with a data compression ratio of 1 10 128 Kbps That means by using MP3 format one CD R or CD RW can contain 10 times as much data volume as a...

Page 17: ...ide the folders indicate the playback order and search order of the folders on an MP3 disc Normally this unit plays back MP3 files in the folders in the recorded order Note There is no limit on the number of the hierarchy levels nested folders However up to 8 hierarchy levels is recommended for stable operations 13 12 18 19 17 23 22 24 11 10 21 20 1 2 5 6 3 4 02 04 ROOT 15 16 14 06 07 05 09 01 08 ...

Page 18: ...the complexity of the folder file configuration When playback starts folder and file names or ID3 tags will automatically appears See also page 19 If you change the source or turn the power off disc playback stops without ejecting the disc Next time you select the CD player as the source or turn the power on disc playback starts from where playback has been stopped previously To stop play and ejec...

Page 19: ... file quickly within the current folder 10 and 10 buttons 1 Press M MODE to enter the functions mode while playing an MP3 disc Press and hold 4 while playing an MP3 disc to reverse the file Press and hold while playing an MP3 disc to fast forward the file CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE Press briefly while playing to skip ahead to the beginning of the next file Each time you press the button consecutiv...

Page 20: ...t file To skip 10 files backwards to the first file File 36 30 20 10 9 8 Three times Twice Three times Twice File 6 10 20 30 31 32 Press the number button corresponding to the folder number to start playing the first file in the selected folder To select a folder number from 01 06 Press 1 7 6 12 briefly To select a folder number from 07 12 Press and hold 1 7 6 12 for more than one second Notes If ...

Page 21: ... the next folder and so on DISC RND and RND All files on the disc indicators light up To play back files repeatedly Track Repeat Folder Repeat Play You can play back the current file or all the files in the current folder repeatedly 1 Press M MODE to enter the functions mode while playing an MP3 disc 2 Press RPT repeat while still in the functions mode so that TRK RPT or FLDR RPT appears on the di...

Page 22: ...qualizer suitable to the music genre Select the sound mode you want When you press the button once the last selected sound mode is recalled and applied to the current source Then each time you press the button the sound modes change as follows Note You can adjust each sound mode to your preference Once you make an adjustment it is automatically stored for the currently selected sound mode See Adju...

Page 23: ...ble or loudness the adjustment you have made is stored for the currently selected sound mode C EQ including USER 2 If you are using a two speaker system set the fader level to 00 3 Normally the control dial works as the volume control So you do not have to select VOL to adjust the volume level 2 Adjust the setting 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to adjust the other items To reset each sound mode to the fac...

Page 24: ...ll mode SCROLL You can select the scroll mode for the disc information when the entire text cannot be shown all at once When shipped from the factory scroll mode is set to ONCE ONCE Scrolls only once AUTO Repeats the scroll 5 second intervals in between OFF Cancels Auto Scroll Note Even if the scroll mode is set to OFF you can scroll the display by pressing DISP display for more than one second To...

Page 25: ...Lift and pull the control panel out of the unit 3 Put the detached control panel into the provided case Attaching the control panel 1 Insert the left side of the control panel into the groove on the panel holder 2 Press the right side of the control panel to fix it to the panel holder Note on cleaning the connectors If you frequently detach the control panel the connectors will deteriorate To mini...

Page 26: the cords and connections Insert a disc into the loading slot Insert the disc correctly Causes The volume level is set to the minimum level Connections are incorrect The built in microcomputer may have functioned incorrectly due to noise etc Signals are too weak The antenna is not connected firmly Disc is inserted upside down CD R CD RW is not finalized Disc is locked The CD player may function...

Page 27: ...ile configuration Playback order is determined when the files are recorded This sometimes occurs during play This is caused by how the files are recorded on the disc The current folder does not contain any MP3 file The current disc does not contain any MP3 file This unit can only display alphabets capital A Z numbers and a limited number of symbols Symptoms Disc cannot be played back Noise is gene...

Page 28: ...ctions or cautions carefully Use only finalized CD Rs or CD RWs Some CD Rs or CD RWs may not play back on this unit because of their disc characteristics and for the following reasons Discs are dirty or scratched Moisture condensation on the lens inside the unit The pickup lens inside the unit is dirty CD RWs may require a longer readout time since the reflectance of CD RWs is lower than that of r...

Page 29: ...Selectivity 400 kHz 65 dB Frequency Response 40 Hz to 15 000 Hz Stereo Separation 35 dB Capture Ratio 1 5 dB AM Tuner Sensitivity 20 µV Selectivity 35 dB CD PLAYER SECTION Type Compact disc player Signal Detection System Non contact optical pickup semiconductor laser Number of channels 2 channels stereo Frequency Response 5 Hz to 20 000 Hz Dynamic Range 96 dB Signal to Noise Ratio 98 dB Wow and Fl...

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