background image

















• The fuse blows.
* Are the red and black leads connected correctly?

• Power cannot be turned on.
* Is the yellow lead connected?

• No sound from the speakers.
* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?

• Sound is distorted.
* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded

in common?

• Unit becomes hot.
* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded

in common?

You can connect an amplifier to upgrade your car
stereo system.
• Connect the remote lead (blue with white stripe) to

the remote lead of the other equipment so that it
can be controlled through this unit.

• Connect this unit’s line-out terminals to the

amplifier’s line-in terminals.

• Disconnect the speakers from this unit,

connect them to the amplifier. Leave the
speaker leads of this unit unused. (Cover the
terminals of these unused leads with
insulating tape, as illustrated above.)

PRECAUTIONS on power supply
and speaker connections:

• DO NOT connect the speaker leads of the

power cord to the car battery; otherwise, the
unit will be seriously damaged.

• Connect the black lead (ground), yellow lead (to

car battery, constant 12 V), and red lead (to an
accessory terminal) correctly.

• BEFORE connecting the speaker leads of the

power cord to the speakers, check the speaker
wiring in your car.
 If the speaker wiring in your car is as

illustrated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 below, DO NOT
connect the unit using that original speaker
wiring. If you do, the unit will be seriously
Redo the speaker wiring so that you can
connect the unit to the speakers as illustrated in
Fig. 3.

 If the speaker wiring in your car is as

illustrated in Fig. 3, you can connect the unit
using the original speaker wiring in your car.

– If you are not sure of the speaker wiring of your

car, consult your car dealer.


To other equipment (To automatic antenna if any)



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*2 : Firmly attach the ground wire to the metallic body or to the chasis of the car—to the place not coated

with paint (if coated with paint, remove the paint before attaching the wire). Failure to do so may
cause damage to the unit.

*2 :

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*2 :

µËÕ≈«¥ “¬¥‘π„ÀÈ·πËπ‡¢È“°—∫µ—«∂—߇À≈Á° À√◊Õµ—«∂—ß√∂˙µ√ß Ë«π ∑’ˉ¡Ë¡’ ’‡§≈◊Õ∫ (À“°¡’ ’‡§≈◊Õ∫Õ¬ŸË „ÀÈ¢Ÿ¥ ’ÕÕ°°ËÕπ
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Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 1












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Twist the core wires when connecting.


∫‘¥‡ Èπ≈«¥·°π‡æ◊ËÕ‡™◊ËÕ¡µËÕ

Solder the core wires to connect them securely.


‡™◊ËÕ¡∫—¥°√’‡ Èπ≈«¥·°π∑—ÈßÀ¡¥‡¢È“¥È«¬°—π ‡æ◊ËÕ§«“¡ª≈Õ¥¿—


Connecting the leads / 



µËÕ “¬µ–°—Ë«






• To prevent short-circuit, cover the terminals of the UNUSED leads with insulating tape.


°“√ªÈÕß°—π°“√≈—¥«ß®√ ®–µÈÕßæ—π¢—È« “¬µ–°—Ë«∑’ˉ¡Ë„™È·≈È«¥È«¬‡∑ªæ—𠓬‰ø


Connections Adding Other Equipment / 



°“√µËÕ‡æ‘Ë¡‡µ‘¡‡¢È“°—∫Õÿª°√≥ÏÕ◊Ëπ Ê


Amplifier / 





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Remote lead



Rear speakers



Signal cord (not supplied with this unit)


 “¬‡§‡∫‘≈ —≠≠“≥ (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)

Y-connector (not supplied with this unit)


¢ÈÕµËÕ√Ÿªµ—« Y (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)

Front speakers



Blue with white stripe



JVC Amplifier



‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ’¬ß JVC

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23/12/02, 4:12 PM


Summary of Contents for KD-S795

Page 1: ...LISH CD RECEIVER KD S795 INSTRUCTIONS π π GET0144 001A U For installation and connections refer to the separate manual 0 ÿ Ÿ ŸË Õ Ë µË ßÀ π µ µ Èß ËÕ µËÕ CD KD S795 ËÕß Ëπ CD KD S795 COMPACT DIGITAL AUDIO ...

Page 2: ...ments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure BEFORE USE For safety Do not raise the volume level too much as this will block outside sounds making driving dangerous Stop the car before performing any complicated operations Temperature inside the car If you have parked the car for a long time in hot or cold weather wait until the te...

Page 3: ...rack or a particular portion on a CD 13 Selecting CD playback modes 14 Prohibiting CD ejection 14 SOUND ADJUSTMENTS 15 Selecting preset sound modes C EQ custom equalizer 15 Adjusting the sound 16 SELECTING THE LEVEL DISPLAY 17 DETACHING THE CONTROL PANEL 18 TROUBLESHOOTING 19 MAINTENANCE 20 Handling discs 20 SPECIFICATIONS 21 How to use the M MODE button If you press M MODE the unit goes into func...

Page 4: ... pressed together with DISP display button w SEL select button e MO monaural button r Number buttons t RPT repeat button y RND random button u E EQ equalizer button i CD button o down button 10 button Display window EQ equalizer indicator a LOUD loudness indicator s CD in indicator d CD indicator f FM band indicators FM1 FM2 FM3 g AM band indicator h Tuner reception indicators MO monaural ST stere...

Page 5: ... source changes 7 Searches for stations while listening to the radio Fast forwards or reverses the track if pressed and held while listening to a CD Skips to the beginning of the next track or goes back to the beginning of the current or previous tracks if pressed briefly while listening to a CD Remote controller 1 Turns on the unit if pressed when the unit is turned off Turns off the unit if pres...

Page 6: ...cause the battery to give off heat crack or start a fire CAUTION DO NOT leave the remote controller in a place such as dashboards exposed to direct sunlight for a long time Otherwise it may be damaged Preparing the remote controller Before using the remote controller Aim the remote controller directly at the remote sensor on the main unit Make sure there is no obstacle in between Do not expose the...

Page 7: ...olume level press the button briefly again If you turn the control dial you can also restore the sound To turn off the power Press and hold for more than one second SEE YOU appears then the unit turns off If you turn off the power while listening to a CD CD play will start from where playback has been stopped previously next time you turn on the power CAUTION on Volume Setting CDs produce very lit...

Page 8: ...CK M minute 2 Adjust the minute 4 Finish the setting To check the current clock time or change the display mode Press DISP display repeatedly Each time you press the button the display mode changes as follows During tuner operation During CD operation During power off The power turns on and the clock time is shown for 5 seconds then the power turns off CLOCK M CLOCK H LEVEL CLOCK M CLOCK H LEVEL C...

Page 9: ...stops To stop searching before a station is received press the same button you have pressed for searching To search stations of lower frequencies To search stations of higher frequencies Selected band appears Lights up when receiving an FM stereo broadcast with sufficient signal strength FM1 FM2 FM3 AM Searching a station manually Manual search 1 Select the band FM1 3 AM Each time you press the bu...

Page 10: ...on stored in number button 1 will be automatically tuned in SSM appears then disappears when automatic preset is over FM1 FM2 FM3 AM 3 Tune in to a station you want while M manual is flashing If you release your finger from the button the manual mode will automatically turns off after 5 seconds If you hold down the button the frequency keeps changing in 50 kHz intervals for FM and 9 kHz intervals ...

Page 11: ...for a few seconds Notes A previously preset station is erased when a new station is stored in the same preset number Preset stations are erased when the power supply to the memory circuit is interrupted for example during battery replacement If this occurs preset the stations again Tuning in to a preset station You can easily tune in to a preset station Remember that you must store stations first ...

Page 12: ...le driving on such rough roads CD OPERATIONS Elapsed playing time Current track Total track number of the inserted disc Total playing time of the inserted disc CD in indicator All tracks will be played repeatedly until you stop playback Notes When a CD is inserted upside down the CD automatically ejects if the control panel is open If the control panel is closed the source changes to the tuner PLE...

Page 13: ... track number from 7 12 Press and hold 1 7 6 12 for more than one second To go to a track quickly 10 and 10 buttons 1 Press M MODE to enter the functions mode while playing a CD 2 Press 10 or 10 The first time you press 10 or 10 button the track skips to the nearest higher or lower track with a track number of multiple ten ex 10th 20th 30th Then each time you press the button you can skip 10 track...

Page 14: ...d To cancel the prohibition and unlock the CD press and hold again for more than 2 seconds while pressing CD EJECT OK flashes on the display for about 5 seconds and the CD is unlocked How to use the 10 and 10 buttons Ex 1 To select track number 32 while playing track number 6 Ex 2 To select track number 8 while playing track number 36 Selecting CD playback modes To play back tracks at random Disc ...

Page 15: ...qualizer suitable to the music genre Select the sound mode you want When you press the button once the last selected sound mode is recalled and applied to the current source Then each time you press the button the sound modes change as follows Note You can adjust each sound mode to your preference Once you make an adjustment it is automatically stored for the currently selected sound mode See Adju...

Page 16: ...ble or loudness the adjustment you have made is stored for the currently selected sound mode C EQ including USER 2 If you are using a two speaker system set the fader level to 00 3 Normally the control dial works as the volume control So you do not have to select VOL to adjust the volume level 2 Adjust the setting 3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 to adjust the other items To reset each sound mode to the fac...

Page 17: for more than 2 seconds CLOCK H CLOCK M or LEVEL appears on the display 2 Select LEVEL if not shown on the display 3 Select the desired mode AUDIO 1 Shows the audio level indicator AUDIO 2 Alternates AUDIO 1 setting and illumination display OFF Erases the audio level indicator 4 Finish the setting AUDIO 2 AUDIO 1 OFF Ex When you select AUDIO 2 CLOCK M CLOCK H LEVEL ...

Page 18: ...out of the unit 3 Put the detached control panel into the provided case Attaching the control panel 1 Insert the right side of the control panel into the groove on the panel holder 2 Press the left side of the control panel to fix it to the panel holder Note on cleaning the connectors If you frequently detach the control panel the connectors will deteriorate To minimize this possibility periodical...

Page 19: ...t a CD into the loading slot Insert the CD correctly Causes The volume level is set to the minimum level Connections are incorrect The built in microcomputer may have functioned incorrectly due to noise etc Signals are too weak The antenna is not connected firmly CD is inserted upside down CD R CD RW is not finalized CD is locked You are driving on rough roads CD is scratched Connections are incor...

Page 20: instructions or cautions carefully Use only finalized CD Rs or CD RWs Some CD Rs or CD RWs may not play back on this unit because of their disc characteristics and for the following reasons Discs are dirty or scratched Moisture condensation on the lens inside the unit The pickup lens inside the unit is dirty CD RWs may require a longer readout time since the reflectance of CD RWs is lower than ...

Page 21: ...f 1 8 µV 75 Ω Alternate Channel Selectivity 400 kHz 65 dB Frequency Response 40 Hz to 15 000 Hz Stereo Separation 35 dB Capture Ratio 1 5 dB AM Tuner Sensitivity 20 µV Selectivity 35 dB CD PLAYER SECTION Type Compact disc player Signal Detection System Non contact optical pickup semiconductor laser Number of channels 2 channels stereo Frequency Response 5 Hz to 20 000 Hz Dynamic Range 96 dB Signal...

Page 22: ...o dealer or a company supplying kits 0103KKSMDTJEIN EN CH TH AR 1 Before mounting Press control panel release button to detach the control panel if already attached When shipped from the factory the control panel is packed in the hard case 2 Remove the trim plate 3 Remove the sleeve after disengaging the sleeve locks 1 Stand the unit Note When you stand the unit be careful not to damage the fuse o...

Page 23: ...slide out the unit Be sure to keep the handles after installing it Parts list for installation and connection The following parts are provided with this unit After checking them please set them correctly 3 2 1 Sleeve ª Õ ÀÿÈ Washer ª Áπ ß À π Fire wall ºπ ß π ø Mounting bolt µ When using the optional stay ËÕ Èµ Õ È Õ ª È ß È È Stay option µ Õ È Lock nut πÕµ ÁÕ Screw option Ÿ Õ È Dashboard ºßÀπÈ ª ...

Page 24: ...Èß µÈÕßµËÕ µ Ë π È ËÕπ π Èπ Ë ª ËÕß È Line out see diagram ÕÕ Ÿ ºπ Ÿ 6 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 5 15 Not included with this unit Ë È ÀÈ ÿ ª Õ π Ignition switch Ï ÿ 15 A fuse 15 A ø Ï π 15A White Gray with black stripe Green Purple Ë ß White with black stripe Green with black stripe Purple with black stripe Ë ß Left speaker front æß È ÀπÈ Right speaker front æß ÀπÈ Left speaker rear æß È À ß Right speaker rea...

Page 25: ...Õ Ë È Õß æß È π È µËÕ ß πµ ª µ À Õ Ë Remote lead µ Ë Rear speakers æßÀ ß Signal cord not supplied with this unit Ë È ÀÈ ÿ ª Õ π È Y connector not supplied with this unit Y ÈÕµËÕ Ÿªµ Y Ë È ÀÈ ÿ ª Õ π È Front speakers æßÀπÈ Blue with white stripe πÈ ß π JVC Amplifier JVC ËÕß ß JVC WOzUÐdNJ WWUD b Ëeð uŠ UNO Mð WOzUÐdNJ WWUD b Ëeð uŠ UNO Mð WOzUÐdNJ WWUD b Ëeð uŠ UNO Mð WOzUÐdNJ WWUD b Ëeð uŠ UNO Mð ...
