Loading Motor
1. How to remove
(1) Remove the belt wound around the worm gear.
(2) Open the two lugs of the motor guide and remove the
loading motor, loading motor board assembly and motor
guide altogether by pulling them up.
(3) When replacing the loading motor board assembly, take
care with the orientation of the loading motor. (Install so
that the loading motor label faces upward.)
(4) When the motor pulley has been replaced, choose the
fitting dimension as indicated in Fig.2-2-16.
Fig. 2-2-18
Loading motor board assembly
Loading motor
Motor guide
Worm gear
0.2 mm
Motor pulley
Fig. 2-2-16
Fig. 2-2-17
Capstan Motor
1. How to remove
(1) Remove the belt (capstan) on the mechanism assembly
back side.
(2) Remove the three screws (A) and remove the capstan
Capstan motor
2. How to install (Centering the mounting position)
When the capstan motor has once been removed and then
reinstalled out of the initial correct position in the rotational
direction, the capstan motor current may be unstable dur-
ing operation in high or low temperatures. This may result
in greater Wow & Flutter and occasionally in power break-
down because of current over - load. Install the capstan mo-
tor while following the procedure given below.
(The capstan motor is centrally located when the unit is
shipped from the factory.)
(1) Provisionally tighten the three screws (A) securing the
capstan motor.
(2) Install the mechanism assembly to which the capstan
motor is provisionally fastened on the bottom chassis
which incorporates the Main board assembly. (No need
to tighten the screws for mounting the mechanism.)
Make sure that all the connectors for the mechanism as-
sembly and the Main board assembly are correctly in-
stalled as indicated in Fig. 2-2-18.
(3) Making sure that the connector for the capstan motor is
correctly mounted, and securely tighten the three screws
When the capstan motor has been re-
placed with a new one, perform record-
ing in the EP(or LP) mode for at least 2
minutes at normal temperatures imme-
diately before starting the FF/REW or
SEARCH operations (Aging).
Connector for
the capstan motor