(13) When " Are you sure you want to end the application?" is
displayed, press Yes (Y) to finish the application.
Test results and countermeasure the test results of FullCheckMicrodrive_jvc.
pid (FullCheck) and the countermeasure are explained here.
1. Drive model name
The HITACHI Microdrive model name is displayed here.
HMS360402D5CF00 :HITACHI(IBM) 2GB type Microdrive
HMS360404D5CF00 :HITACHI(IBM ) 4GB type Microdrive
2. Time and date of the output date
The time and date of the test results output is displayed here.
(e.g.) If it was output at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, September 13th,
2004, it will be shown as below.
File created on Monday ,13 .09.2004 at 14 :30 :09
3.Serial number
The serial number is exclusive to each product. It is the eight
digit numbers of the serial number part (bar code) on the re-
verse side of the Microdrive. On the reverse side of the Micro-
drive, model name of the drive and the production place are
also written.
4. Disk capacity
The recordable disk capacity is displayed here.
It is shown as below.
2GB type Microdrive: 1952 MB
4GB type Microdrive: 3905 MB
In the actual display, 2GB and 4GB are converted to Byte. So
it is displayed under the Microdrive display of 2G or 4G with
5. Testing details
When FullCheckMicrodrive_jvc.pid is carried out, the six kinds
of testing are performed.
(1) Drive Initialization
The test checks whether the drive can recognize or not.
Errors will be detected if it cannot recognize at all as a re-
sult of fall, shock, or submersion. It is more likely to have
a failure in electrical circuit than a mechanical one (mo-
Checking items:Submersion mark, scratch on the exteri-
or, dent, and bend.
(2) Check Servo Data (DFT)
The test checks whether the disk is decentered or not.
If the motor shaft is decentered as a result of fall or
shock, the interior head cannot pick up the recorded sig-
nal on the disk.
Checking items:Scratch on the exterior, dent, and bend.
(3) Check for Scratches on Media
When a cluster error occurred, an alternative area is cre-
ated to avoid the use of the damaged cluster. This test
checks the distribution of the alternative area. It does not
detect scratches of the user data area caused by fall or
Checking items:None
(4) Check Product Internal Error Logs
This test collects the error information that was recorded
at the time of production.
It carries two tasks, checking the Error Logs and the
numbers of the alternative sectors.
Checking items:None
(5) Check GMR Head Amplitude
This test checks the output of the head. Read and write
errors by electrostatic, by shock that changes the dis-
tance between the head and the disk may cause errors
on writing or reading.
Checking items:scratch on the exterior, dent, and bend
(6) Media Test(s)
This test checks whether the written information can be
correctly read or not by comparing writing data and read-
Press Yes (Y) button
This is also the
Microdrive model name.
The capacity of the
disk is displayed here.
The time and date
of the test results
output is recorded here
The testing detail is
displayed here.
The results are recorded.
The time and date of the start
and end the testing are displayed here.
This is a serial
number of the
Microdrive and it
is exclusive to
each product.
The Microdrive model
name is displayed here.
It shows that the
Microdrive is
HITACHImade 4GB type.
The comment
on the testing
results are
displayed here.
As there is more
below, check it
with the scroll
Be careful, as the information
within the dotted line is not shown
in the above display.
Drive model
Reverse side of the Microdrive
The first 8 digits are serial number.