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© 2012 JVC KENWOOD Corporation







DT-E15L4̲EN.indb   52

DT-E15L4̲EN.indb   52

2012/11/01   17:10:54

2012/11/01   17:10:54

Summary of Contents for DT-E15L4

Page 1: ...struction manuals in other languages German French Italian Spanish Russian Chinese are included on the supplied CD ROM as PDF files MULTI FORMAT LCD MONITOR INSTRUCTIONS DT E15L4 DT E15L4 EN indb 1 DT E15L4 EN indb 1 2012 11 01 17 10 38 2012 11 01 17 10 38 ...

Page 2: ...or strong light Do not place this product on an unstable cart stand or table The product may fall causing serious injury to a child or adult and serious damage to the product The product should be mounted according to the manufacturer s instructions and should use a mount recommended by the manufacturer Do not use this product near water Be sure to install the product in the place where proper tem...

Page 3: ... this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock Use only the accessory cord designed for this product to prevent shock Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation These ensure reliable operation of the product and protect it from overheating These openings must not be blocked or covered Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings as they may touch dang...

Page 4: ... Countries outside the European Union If you wish to dispose of this product please do so in accordance with applicable national legislation or other rules in your country for the treatment of old electrical and electronic equipment EMC Supplement This equipment is in conformity with the provisions and protection requirements of the corresponding European Directives This equipment is designed for ...

Page 5: ...s Produkt nicht auf einem instabilen Wagen Ständer oder Tisch auf Das Produkt könnte herunterfallen und gefährliche Verletzungen besonders bei Kindern verursachen ebenso wie Sachschäden Das Produkt muss immer entsprechend den Herstellerangaben und unter Verwendung der vom Hersteller empfohlenen Halterungen aufgestellt werden Dieses Produkt nicht in der Nähe von Wasser verwenden Stellen Sie das Pro...

Page 6: für dieses Produkt gedachte Netzkabel um die Gefahr elektrischer Schläge zu vermeiden Schlitze und Öffnungen im Gehäuse sind zur Lüftung vorhanden Die stellen zuverlässigen Betrieb des Produkt sicher und schützen es vor Überhitzung Diese Öffnungen dürfen nicht verstopft oder verdeckt werden Niemals Gegenstände jeglicher Art durch die Öffnungen in das Produkt drücken da sie unter Spannung stehen...

Page 7: ...odukt entsorgen möchten halten Sie sich dabei bitte an die entsprechenden Landesgesetze und andere Regelungen in Ihrem Land zur Behandlung elektrischer und elektronischer Geräte EMV Ergänzung Dieses Gerät entspricht den Vorschriften und Schutzanforderungen der entsprechenden europäischen Richtlinien Dieses Gerät ist für professionelle Videoausrüstungen ausgelegt und kann in den folgenden Umgebunge...

Page 8: ...à la lumière directe du soleil ou un fort éclairage Ne placez pas ce produit sur un chariot un socle ou une table instables L appareil pourrait tomber causant des blessures sérieuses à un enfant ou à un adulte et être sérieusement endommager Cet appareil doit être monté conformément aux instructions du fabricant et doit utiliser un support de montage recommandé par le fabricant N utilisez pas cet ...

Page 9: ...pareil car cela pourrait entraîner une électrocution ou un d incendie Utilisez uniquement le cordon fourni conçu pour cet appareil pour éviter tout choc électrique Des fentes et des ouvertures dans le coffret sont prévues pour la ventilation Elles assures une fonctionnement fiable de l appareil et le protègent d une surchauffe Ces ouvertures ne doivent pas être bloquées ni recouvertes Ne jamais po...

Page 10: ...ys ne faisant pas partie de l Union européenne Si vous souhaitez éliminer ce produit faites le conformément à la législation nationale ou autres règles en vigueur dans votre pays pour le traitement des appareils électriques et électroniques usagés Supplément EMC Ce matériel est en conformité avec les provisions et exigences de protection des directives européennes correspondantes Ce matériel est c...

Page 11: ...voli instabili Potrebbe infatti cadere con conseguente rischio di gravi infortuni sia agli adulti sia ai bambini nonché gravi danni all apparecchio stesso L apparecchio dev essere installato secondo le istruzioni della casa produttrice utilizzando un supporto omologato dalla stessa Non usare l apparecchio in prossimità dell acqua L apparecchio deve essere usato in luoghi mantenuti a un livello cor...

Page 12: ...ono usare esclusivamente i cavi per accessori specificati per questo apparecchio Le feritoie e le aperture dell involucro dell apparecchio servono per la ventilazione La ventilazione è necessaria per garantire il funzionamento affidabile dell apparecchio e impedirne inoltre il surriscaldamento Tali aperture non devono essere pertanto bloccate né ostruite Non introdurre alcun tipo di oggetto nell a...

Page 13: ...pea Qualora si desideri smaltire questo prodotto effettuare lo smaltimento in conformità alla normativa nazionale applicabile o alle altre leggi della propria nazione relative al trattamento delle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche obsolete Supplemento EMC compatibilità elettromagnetica Questo apparecchio è conforme alle disposizioni e ai requisiti di protezione delle corrispondenti dirett...

Page 14: ...s y adultos e incluso producir daños de gravedad al producto Instale el producto de acuerdo con las instrucciones del fabricante y utilice una montura recomendada por el fabricante No utilice este producto cerca del agua Asegúrese de instalar el producto en un lugar donde se mantengan las condiciones de temperatura y humedad adecuadas Condiciones de funcionamiento en la página 45 Este producto pue...

Page 15: ... producirse incendios o descargas eléctricas Para evitar descargas eléctricas utilice solamente el cable de accesorio diseñado para este producto Se han provisto ranuras y aberturas de ventilación en el gabinete Tienen por objeto asegurar una operación confiable y evitar el recalentamiento Estas aberturas no deben ser tapadas ni cubiertas No introduzca ningún tipo de objeto a través de las ranuras...

Page 16: ...retirada del producto Otros países no pertenecientes a la Unión Europea Si desea desechar este producto hágalo de conformidad con la legislación nacional vigente u otras normativas de su país para el tratamiento de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos usados Suplemento de EMC Este equipo cumple con las provisiones y los requisitos de protección de las correspondientes Directivas Europeas Este equipo ...

Page 17: ...ɦɟɪ ɪɹɞɨɦ ɫ ɨɤɧɨɦ ɜ ɦɟɫɬɚɯ ɩɨɞɜɟɪɠɟɧɧɵɯ ɜɨɡɞɟɣɫɬɜɢɸ ɩɪɹɦɵɯ ɥɭɱɟɣ ɫɨɥɧɟɱɧɨɝɨ ɫɜɟɬɚ ɢɥɢ ɫɢɥɶɧɨɝɨ ɫɜɟɬɚ Не ставьте это изделие на неустойчивые тележки подставки и столы Изделие может упасть и причинить тяжелые травмы ребенку или взрослому человеку или серьезно повредиться Монтаж изделия следует производить в соответствии и инструкциями изготовителя с использованием крепежных деталей рекомендованных и...

Page 18: ...ние поражения электрическим током используйте только шнур входящий в комплект и предназначенный для данного изделия Прорези и отверстия в корпусе предназначены для вентиляции Они обеспечивают стабильную работу изделия и предохраняют его от перегрева Нельзя закрывать эти отверстия Не вставляйте никакие предметы внутрь изделия через отверстия поскольку они могут соприкоснуться с деталями находящимис...

Page 19: ...ɨɦ ɢɥɢ ɞɪɭɝɢɦɢ ɩɪɚɜɢɥɚɦɢ ɞɟɣɫɬɜɭɸɳɢɦɢ ɜ ȼɚɲɟɣ ɫɬɪɚɧɟ ɩɨ ɨɬɧɨɲɟɧɢɸ ɤ ɩɟɪɟɪɚɛɨɬɤɟ ɫɬɚɪɨɝɨ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɢɱɟɫɤɨɝɨ ɢ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɧɧɨɝɨ ɨɛɨɪɭɞɨɜɚɧɢɹ Ⱦɨɩɨɥɧɟɧɢɟ ɜ ɨɬɧɨɲɟɧɢɢ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɦɚɝɧɢɬɧɨɣ ɫɨɜɦɟɫɬɢɦɨɫɬɢ Ⱦɚɧɧɨɟ ɨɛɨɪɭɞɨɜɚɧɢɟ ɨɬɜɟɱɚɟɬ ɩɨɥɨɠɟɧɢɹɦ ɢ ɬɪɟɛɨɜɚɧɢɹɦ ɛɟɡɨɩɚɫɧɨɫɬɢ ɫɨɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɭɸɳɢɯ Ⱦɢɪɟɤɬɢɜ ȿɋ Ⱦɚɧɧɨɟ ɨɛɨɪɭɞɨɜɚɧɢɟ ɪɚɡɪɚɛɨɬɚɧɨ ɞɥɹ ɩɪɨɮɟɫɫɢɨɧɚɥɶɧɵɯ ɜɢɞɟɨɭɫɬɪɨɣɫɬɜ ɢ ɦɨɠɟɬ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɬɶɫɹ ɜ ɫɥɟɞɭɸɳɢɯ ɨɤɪɭɠɚɸɳɢɯ ɭɫɥɨɜɢ...

Page 20: ...㚻 ḇ晩㵌 㻯㕷ɝ e 㜝㚭㚻 厾 ṗ ɝ f 䒶㸑乀 䞵 㕷ɝ ↈ 㚭㚻 塆 Ṧᶌ䌰 ᶮ澢 㻯㸀 敵 㚭㚻㘵暳ḏ㰺䁠 吹㯾䌰 ᶮ澔 曡归 㸀 曡归䁮㸑 㖔 䒠乔暳䘅䌰 澔 曡归䨘ㆸ䘅 㔺 㘵暳ḏ䙵 斴 䘅Ỏ仯 ↈ 㚭Ḩ 仯ḏᶎ䦴 䘅 廧澔㜷 㟍 ᶋɝ 㚭Ḩ 偾ẛ佼ᾓ澔ṏ侍 兵 䩦 ḻ ấⷷἀ 㚭Ḩ 忮 ᶦ慎䞵 ɝ 柼 䃨 䘅孵㖏 塆㚭Ḩ ⷷἀ䒩 勑䘅㚻 㜷ɝ 學 㮵旅ṷἀ䒩㚭Ḩ ɝ 䟯 㚭Ḩ 塆 徃 㶪 㸀 䘅 㔺 澐 䪭 45 柶ᶋ䘅Ħ㑎ờ䈷 ħ澑ɝ 㚭㚻 ἀ䒩彈䦌ᶮẛ 䁮ɝἀ䒩㚭Ḩ 㕷學崴 ɝ 䒶㸑䘅彟 㚭Ḩ 䘅栞 䒶 ᶻ AC 120 V澐 伏 澑 AC 220 240 V澐 㪨㲳澔ḛ㲳 割 澑ɝ 旅 䘅䒶㸑乀ᶏṦᶌ䘅Ἔ䒶䒶 䙹ᶁ兵ɝṆἀ䒩 䘅䒶㸑乀Ṧ䟯 EMC 㱖奅ɝ 㚭Ḩ ᶎ旅 㚊䯼 䘅䒶㸑乀ɝ 伏 澢 AC 120 V 㪨㲳 ḛ㲳 澢 AC 220 240 V 割 澢 AC ...

Page 21: ...ɝ ↈ ἀ ᶋ䒶㸑 ɜ 攀 乀 ṗ塆仯䘅㔺ὀ 䫊彈廾澔 ẛ 兵㿬㿿 奧䒶䘅 旪ɝ ᶻ斳㫣奧䒶澔學Ṇἀ䒩㚭Ḩ 旅 䘅ᶔ䒩 乀ɝ 㚻 ᶋ䘅㥾 䒩ḏ徛桏ɝ ṭ 孂ḇ㚭Ḩ 䘅 曡䘅㑎ờ 偾澔ⷷ 斳㫣㚭㚻彈䁮ɝ彚Ḝ ᶎ 堬 䙗 Ốɝ ṼỖうℶᶌᶎ夂 䇪 㚭 䘅 澔 䇪 偾ẛ奧 旪䒶 䀺 御 恩ṷ䝮嵰 峸㿬㿿 奧䒶ɝ 怀 ṼỖ㴳Ổ㸆 㚭 ᶋɝ 怀 㚭 ᶋ㒿仯ṼỖᶝ夀ɝ澐 㚭 ᶋ㒿仯㴳Ổ澔㖏㿬澔ⶄ㔚 丹 䫊 偾ẛ 峸㿬㿿ɝ澑 ↈ 䊜䂷㗄 LCD 曣㜀ɝ澐ↈ ἀ䒩ṼỖ䇪Ổ䞹 奓ⵦ ㆴ ɝ澑 ↈ 㚭㚻ᶋ㒿仯慎䇪ɝ ↈ 嵶嶐㚭㚻 㚭㚻ᶋ 䇪ṷɝ 嫧 ᶻ斳㫣 䨂䂷 厾侍御 䘅ấ ἀ䒩乴 䙒奇 兴 ɝ 䙒奇 ἀ䒩 M4 x 10 mm 䘅圻ᶞ澐 岮澑彟 搪 澐 岮澑兴 曣㜀 ᶋ䘅 VESA 塆 澐ἀ䒩ᶋ曣䘅ᶥᶫ 澑ɝἀ䒩侑䒩䘅乴 彟 䙒奇 曣㜀ᶋ䘅搪 兴 㝲 ɝ 搪 圻ᶞ澐M4 x 10 mm澑 澐 岮澑 搪 澐...

Page 22: ...Ṧ 䘅 ṗ 㜝〩夂 䎇㚭Ḩ 澔學 䃨〩 㚊 䎇㕨䒶㮕 䒶 嬿 䘅㱖 ṗ㱖奅彜埍 䎇ɝ EMC 埦 㛢㪿 㚭嬿 䪧 䙹 䘅㪨㲳奅 䘅㛢㪿 夂㯃ɝ㚭嬿 䒩ḏᶔ ᶛ䘅奇栒㚻 ⷷ偾 䒩ḏṦᶌ䌰 澢 䘅 FND 䌰 澐Ἄ ᶔ敩 御䘅 㐮 杴 澑 㛒䘅ㆸ 䌰 澐彝䤼摂嵰 㜷䧻䒶 乀嵰䫊澑 ᶻḇ 㚁 䘅 偾ⷷ䟯 䒶䡂 澔 嬯ἀ䒩ᶎ崆彈Ṧᶌ 攀 䘅䒶亇澢 䒶亇 攀 䒶㸑乀 澐旅 䘅䒶亇澐I16WW G 4 y 1 86 nn3 澑澑 3 1 n 奇栒ὢ 䒶亇澐 廵䒶亇澑 3 1 n 杴栒ὢ 䒶亇澐 咾䒶亇澑 2 6 n IENJ 䒶亇澐 咾䒶亇澑 3 1 n 㚊乖乀彈㹥到䘅 EWJ 䒶亇澐 咾䒶亇澑 3 1 n ST 343D 䒶亇澐 咾䒶亇澑 澐 㚊 E tvc 搉彟 䘅䙵乀䒶亇澑 3 1 n ST 596 䒶亇澐 也䒶亇澑 澐䙵乀 MBO 䒶亇澑 3 1 n SFNPUF 䒶亇澐 也䒶亇澑 澐䙵乀 M...

Page 23: ... to any volatile substance such as insecticides Do not allow any rubber or plastic in contact for a long time Do not wipe the cabinet forcefully Wipe stains off the cabinet with a soft cloth If the cabinet gets heavily stained wipe it with a soft cloth soaked in water diluted neutral detergent and wrung well then wipe with a soft dry cloth Ventilation openings Use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of th...

Page 24: ...ort and the bottom plate Screw holes C and E 5 Use no less than two commercially available screws no less than four screws on both sides for the screw holes 10 φ8 on the stand bottom plate to anchor the monitor CAUTION Use screws having enough holding strength and resistance against external force of expected vibrations It is very dangerous not to anchor the stand with screws as this may cause not...

Page 25: ... forces Mounting On Wooden Walls The weight of the unit should be borne by the wall posts or studs and these should be reinforced if insufficiently strong Do not install the Wall Mounting Unit on walls made of plasterboard or thin plywood Use the commercially sold screws best suited for the wall structure and material Mounting On Concrete Walls Use commercially sold wall anchors capable of support...

Page 26: ...y when the monitor is on or in Power Save power save mode No Sync Action on page 35 5 HDMI terminal Input terminal compatible with HDCP for the HDMI signal page 48 6 COMPO RGB terminal mini D sub 15pin Input terminal for the analog component signal or analog RGB signal page 48 Set Component RGB Select page 33 appropriately for input signals 7 AUDIO IN terminals pin jack Input terminals for the ana...

Page 27: ...hen the signals are protected by HDCP sound is emitted from the speakers 9 POWER switch Turns AC power on or off You need to press button u on page 28 to use the monitor after turning on the POWER switch p AC IN terminal AC power input connector Connect the provided AC power cord to an AC outlet CAUTION Do not connect the power cord until all other connections are completed Note for connections Be...

Page 28: ...hen the function does not actually work The items controlled by the MAKE system cannot be controlled by the buttons on the front panel Remote On is displayed and the lamps do not light Tally lamp This lamp is controlled by the tally function of the MAKE TRIGGER terminal You can select the color of the tally lamp from Green or Red You can also select whether the whole lamp is turned on at once or w...

Page 29: ...f Audio Setting on page 34 2 Signal format Displayed when Status Display is set to On Information on page 38 For the contents displayed see Available signals on page 37 and On the signal format below 3 Source name assigned in Character Setting Information on page 38 Displayed when Source ID is set to On or Auto Displayed in large letters when Status Display is set to Off or Auto 4 CRC error indica...

Page 30: ...the buttons to select an item and press the button to proceed to the next screen CKP GPW 2KEVWTG WPEVKQP 5K G 2QUKVKQP FLWUV URGEV 5KIPCN 5GVVKPI CTMGT WFKQ 5GVVKPI 0Q 1RGTCVKQP EVKQP 1HH 5 PE WPEVKQP 2KEVWTG WPEVKQP 1HH 0QTOCN CTF CEMNKIJV RGTVWTG RGTVWTG GXGN 6 6 COOC QNQT 6GORGTCVWTG UWD OGPW TGUGV 3 Use the buttons to select an item and press the button to proceed to the next screen For some i...

Page 31: ...on Delay Time Low Latency Size Position Adjust Set Up Menu Contrast Bright Chroma Phase NTSC Setup Component Level sub menu reset Color Temperature R Drive G Drive B Drive R Cut Off G Cut Off B Cut Off sub menu reset Function Setting Picture Sub Adjust White Balance Setting Remote Setting Information Control Lock Language IMD all reset sub menu Position Sync Term Tally Setting Dimmer Illumination ...

Page 32: ...g on the signals H Size 1 Adjust the horizontal picture size H Position 1 Adjust the horizontal picture position V Size 1 Adjust the vertical picture size V Position 1 Adjust the vertical picture position Dot Clock 1 Adjust Dot Clock and Clock Phase alternately when the displayed picture becomes unstable or streaked Clock Phase 1 32 to 32 sub menu Display the sub menu which enables you to adjust t...

Page 33: ...rker Displays the area with an outline The area outside the specified aspect ratio of the screen is displayed at 50 transparency The area of the specified aspect ratio of the screen is indicated by an outline and the area outside of that is displayed at 50 transparency Marker Aspect Select the aspect ratio of the area marker 4 3 14 9 13 9 2 35 1 1 85 1 1 66 1 Safety Marker Activate deactivate the ...

Page 34: ...ontal is selected for Level Meter Display Ex When Vertical is selected for Level Meter Display 10dB 20dB 20dB 10dB 20dB 10dB The number of audio channels displayed on the level meter varies depending on the setting value of Embedded Audio Group The level meter with no audio signal input is displayed in white for 3Colors and in gray for White Display position When Horizontal is selected for Level M...

Page 35: ...panel or the menu is performed or when the signal format changes When setting No Sync Action to Gray Back the screen color changes to gray and the power consumption of the backlight is saved by half Selecting Power Save power save mode saves more power consumption by turning off the backlight No Operation Action Setting values Off On Setting of the function for turning the unit off standby automat...

Page 36: ... the setting for reducing damage to the LCD panel for long time use on page 39 Setting 1st Start Set the standby time 00h 24h Work Time Set the time for performing the function 01h 06h Contrast Set the contrast reduction Save Normal Backlight Reduce the backlight brightness Save Normal OSD Contrast Set the contrast reduction of the OSD display Save Normal Side Mask Select whether to use the side p...

Page 37: ...toff point of each color R G B Item To do Setting value Color Temperature Select the color temperature Cannot be set changed 9300K 6500K User R Drive 1 G Drive B Drive Adjust the drive level of each color red green and blue The maximum Max and minimum Min values vary depending on the input signal or other settings Min 000 Max in 1024 grades R Cut Off 1 G Cut Off B Cut Off Adjust the cutoff point o...

Page 38: ...ssing button while holding button and turning Control Lock to Off Operating the monitor by an external control If you try other operations Control Lock on appears on the screen Language Setting values English Deutsch Français Español Italiano Pуccкий Select the displayed language for the menu etc IMD Settings for IMD In monitor Display Page 39 Item To do Setting value IMD Display Display setting O...

Page 39: ...y performed every 24 hours Example of setting up 1st Start and Work Time IMD In monitor Display This unit supports TSL UMD Protocol V4 0 from Television Systems Ltd 16 character text display and one tally on each side can be controlled The color of both the text and the tally can be set Using the address setting up to 127 units can be controlled individually To use set the external control termina...

Page 40: ...t Serial communication RS 485 IN or RS 232C RS 485 OUT RS 485 IN RS 485 OUT RS 485 IN RS 485 OUT For the details see page 41 PC etc External Control Using the Make Trigger system The Make Trigger terminal is configured as follows You can assign a function to each pin terminal in Remote Setting Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5 in Parallel Type on page 37 You cannot change the functions assigned to the pin ...

Page 41: ...d between displayed short circuiting and hidden opening When Level Meter Display is set to Off the level meter is not displayed No Effect appears While controlling with the Trigger system the pattern of the audio channel display is switched 6 While controlling with the Make system the available set up options will be the setting value currently selected in Source ID On or Auto short circuiting and...

Page 42: ...f the monitor on standby No data 14 1 B I N A Cr Selects SDI 1 input No data 15 1 B I N B Cr Selects SDI 2 input No data 16 1 B I N C Cr Selects HDMI input No data 17 1 B I N D Cr Selects COMPO RGB input No data 18 1 B I N E Cr Selects VIDEO input No data 19 1 B D I S P Cr Displays the status 3 No data 20 1 B A M U T E x x 2 Cr Turns muting on off 00 Off 01 On 21 1 B A S P x x 2 Cr Changes the asp...

Page 43: ...ture becomes blurred Adjust the picture contrast or brightness by using the adjustment knobs on the front panel Or adjust Contrast or Bright of Picture Sub Adjust in the Set Up Menu 28 37 Wrong picture position wrong picture size The picture may sometimes not be able to fill the whole screen depending on the signal In this case nothing can be done to solve the problem Please be aware of this befor...

Page 44: ...n off the POWER switch on the rear panel 4 Disconnect the AC power cord from the AC outlet 5 Contact your dealer with the information about which lamps were flashing If you turn on the monitor soon after turning it off or after a short term power failure the INPUT SELECT lamps may flash and no image may be displayed When this happens turn off power and wait at least 10 seconds before turning on th...

Page 45: ...366 x 768 Number of colors displayed 16 70 million Viewing angle TYP 170 Horizontally 160 Vertically Brightness TYP 300 cd m2 Contrast ratio TYP 500 1 Input output terminals Video VIDEO Input output of composite signal 1 line BNC connector x 2 1 V p p 75 Ω The input IN and output OUT terminals are bridge connected auto termination HDMI HDMI signal input compatible with HDCP HDMI connector x 1 COMP...

Page 46: ...tall the monitor on a wall Rear view Side view 270 110 3 210 160 30 3 36 7 1 0 φ 8 13 3 179 373 265 270 1 300 23 5 15 160 132 5 60 18 67 6 φ8 70 70 22 99 46 3 1 3 181 Specifications cont VESA mounting holes Size M4 depth 10 mm 100 100 115 89 2 DT E15L4 EN indb 46 DT E15L4 EN indb 46 2012 11 01 17 10 52 2012 11 01 17 10 52 ...

Page 47: ...4 1080 30p 1080 30p 35 1080 29 97p 1080 29 97p 36 1080 25p 1080 25p 37 1080 24p 1080 24p 38 1080 23 98p 1080 23 98p 39 1080 30PsF 1080 30psf 3 40 1080 29 97PsF 1080 29 97psf 4 41 1080 25PsF 1080 25psf 5 42 1080 24PsF 1080 24psf 43 1080 23 98PsF 1080 23 98psf Acceptable Not acceptable 1 For signal formats other than E Audio HD SD SDI input 59 94 29 97 and 23 98 will be displayed as 60 30 and 24 res...

Page 48: ...n the signal format is shown on the status display When a non preset signal comes in Out Of Range appears Specification of the HDMI terminal Connect it to the HDMI output terminal of a video device 1 19 2 18 Pin No Input signal Pin No Input signal Pin No Input signal 1 T M D S Data 2 8 T M D S Data 0 shield 15 SCL 2 T M D S Data 2 shield 9 T M D S Data 0 16 SDA 3 T M D S Data 2 10 T M D S Clock 17...

Page 49: ...госбережения 5 Разъем HDMI Входной разъем совместим с HDCP для сигнала HDMI 6 Разъем COMPO RGB 15 контактный разъем mini D sub Входной разъем для аналогового компонентного сигнала или аналогового сигнала RGB Устанавливайте Компонентный RGB соответственно входным сигналам 7 Разъемы AUDIO IN штекерное гнездо Входные разъемы для аналоговых аудиосигналов Используйте этот разъем для аналогового аудиопо...

Page 50: ...лючает питание от источника переменного тока Чтобы пользоваться монитором после включения выключателя питания POWER необходимо нажать кнопку p Разъем AC IN Соединительный разъем для подачи питания от источника переменного тока Подключите прилагаемый шнур питания от источника переменного тока к розетке переменного тока ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЕ Не подключайте шнур питания до тех пор пока не будут выполнены в...

Page 51: ...тор горит даже если функция реально не работает Элементы управляемые системой MAKE не могут управляться с помощью кнопок на передней панели отображается сообщение Внешнее управление Вкл и индикаторы не горят Сигнальный индикатор Данный индикатор управляется функцией сигнальной индикации разъема MAKE TRIGGER Вы можете выбрать цвет сигнального индикатора из Зеленый ЗЕЛЕНЫЙ или Красный КРАСНЫЙ Вы так...

Page 52: ... 2012 JVC KENWOOD Corporation LCT2710 001A MULTI FORMAT LCD MONITOR DT E15L4 DT E15L4 EN indb 52 DT E15L4 EN indb 52 2012 11 01 17 10 54 2012 11 01 17 10 54 ...
