First steps
the JustfitMe app
from Google Play or Appstore.
Click on
‘Sign up’
or sign in with
your username and password if
you are already registered
as a Justfit user. For the login
process you have to have
internet access. There are some
menu points which are active
when you are online.
If you sign up as a new user
please fill out the respective
fields and write in the
serial number
(serial number
of the control unit). You can find
it on the warranty card. The
format is:
Please only write the numbers
and letters that come after
Justfit. (So if your serial
number is: Justfit-3f3f4r, write
only 3f3f4r to the serial
number field).
Click on
If you already have an account,
log in and
choose the ‘Settings’ icon in the top right
corner, and add your control unit serial number.
Within 24 hours we’ll activate your account.