2G HD over IP Dealer Support Manual
– Page 7
©2011 Just Add Power Cardware Co, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or disclosure prohibited. V1.2
General Configuration:
1) How can I discover all the other 2G boards on the same LAN?
Use the telnet or debug console to attach to the target board
Login as “root” and then change directory “cd usr/local/bin”
Start discover all: $./node_list
Start discover hosts: $./node_list -t host
Start discover clients: $./node_list -t client
The result will be shown on the console, where hosts are 2G Transmitters and clients are 2G Receivers
2) How do I read/write target board's UART port 1 (/dev/ttyS0)?
Use telnet or debug console to attach to target board
Use stty to configure the UART port 1. Ex: $stty 115200 -F /dev/ttyS0 => set UART port 1's baud rate to
To start read: $cat /dev/ttyS0 & => UART data will be redirected to console
To stop read: $pkill cat
To start write: $cat > /dev/ttyS0 => console input will be redirected to UART
To stop write: press "ctrl+c" (0x03)
3) What if I need to include
“ctrl+c (0c03) in my RS232 command string?
You can use the console function $printf instead to send commands out port 1 (/dev/ttyS0)
$ printf "\x02 PLAY \x03" > /dev/ttyS0
4) How do I configure UART port 1 (/dev/ttyS0) for non-"Serial over IP" usage?
UART port 1 is typically used for "Serial over IP" feature. Developers who want to manually control UART
port 1 need to disable the "Serial over IP" feature.
To configure UART port 1, please use "stty" command. See "Console APIs Description" below for details.
5) How do I change the IP Address and Netmask of the Transmitters or Receivers
Use InstallerPro software utilities
– InstallerPro is purchased separately and has a one time license fee
for authorized dealers.