Multicast limit: the value specifies the maximum limit on the percentage of
multicast packets, which will be bridged to the destination interface (as a
percentage of the source side bandwidth) 1% – 100%
6.3.2 DHCP
These configuration parameters are for the device’s internal DHCP server.
Server setting: ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’, to enable/disable DHCP features.
Client IP addresses range: minimum and maximum limit on the DHCP IP address range
Client Network Information
Domain name: LAN domain name provided to DHCP clients
DNS server: This statically assigned DNS server IP address accordingly to
primary and secondary DNS provided.
Static Address Assignment:
Up to eight static DHCP address assignments can be configured. To add a static
IP assignment, enter the LAN device’s host name (must be unique in the private
network) or MAC address. Next specify the internal address to be assigned and
press the ‘Add’ button.
Save the following settings by clicking “Save DHCP Settings”