It is possible to choose one of eight different control
characteristics for the dynamics processor. Each of the four
different sets of control characteristics provides ideal dynamics
control for a different type of programme signal as follows:
stereo mode 2-channel-mode
1 - universal
5 - universal
2 - pop music
6 - pop music
3 - speech
7 - speech
4 - live
8 - live
Selecting a particular preset sets up the optimum parameters of
the dynamics processor (attack and release times, threshold
levels and interactions between the multiple signal dependent
control circuits) for a particular kind of programme material.
For example, generally speaking, release times are longest
when using the classical setting and shortest when using the
speech setting. (In order to understand the basic Multi-loop
principle of the Jünger Audio dynamics processors please refer
to chapter 1.2).
Fixed presets containing optimised parameters for different
types of programme signal are used because, with the great
number of parameters used and the interactions of parameters
used in different stages of the multiloop system, changing of
individual parameters by the user could cause problems.
Processing signals
If the audio signal was recorded with
, the additional
information of the digital input signals contains a definite
emphasis-control-bit in the AES/EBU or SP/DIF format. This is
sometimes the case in older recordings because it slightly
improved the signal-to-noise ratio of currently used analog-
digital converters. Similar to noise reduction methods in analog
magnetic tape recording, the higher signal frequencies are
raised prior to recording, and subsequently lowered in playback,
causing a lowering of the higher frequency noise level.