Commis s ioning and configuration
KNX Sonos -Gateway
© 2019 Albrecht J ung GmbH & Co. KG
p. 56 / 118
Programming a physical address
The phys ical addres s that you is s ued in the ETS mus t be as s igned to the device. We refer here to "program-
ming". To do this you must put the device into Programming mode.
Assigning the physical address.
Requirements : Device and bus voltage s witched on. Programming LED is off.
Pres s the programming button (1) briefly.
The programming LED (2) lights up red.
2. In the ETS, assign the device and its physical address cor-
responding to the KNX topology.
3. Enter the assigned physical address in the <<Phy. Addr.>>
field on the device with a permanent marker.
Recognising successful assignment of the physical address:
Device: The programming LED on the device is off.
ETS. The completed trans fer is indicated on the <<His tory>> tab by a green marking. Programming
flag <<Adr>> is s et and <<Cfg>> is not s et.
More information about this and other flags is available from the ETS documentation.
After the IP addres s is as s igned, you can als o conveniently s et the device to Programming mode
on the device webs ite ins tead of pres s ing the programming button on the device its elf.
Resetting to factory settings
When you res et the device to the factory s ettings , it behaves as if it were in the s tate of delivery. The device is
then unconfigured:
However, it remains in the existing projects .
The device keeps the vers ion of the application program in the ETS.
The entire parametris ation is rejected.
The device now once again has this as the phys ical addres s : 15.15.255.
You can identify a non-configured device by the green APP LED flas hing s lowly after the device
s tarts up.
Table 9: Status of the device – Device starting up, p. 50
You have the following pos s ibilities for res etting the device to the factory s ettings :
Manual: Pres s the programming button on the device in a particular s equence.
Automated: You s elect the <<Factory res et>> function on the device webs ite.