Battery Care During Storage
If Jugee battery need to be stored for longer than the
allowed period, then recharging must be one before the
end of the period, to extend the storage period counting
from the recharging day.
It is recommended that battery recharging is performed
no later than 70% of the maximum permissible storage
period, as this helps prolonging battery life.
Battery Storage Period Over Limit and Repairs
Jugee battery can be damaged if stored over the allowed
period limit without maintenance recharge. Light
damage caused by storage period over limit will be
detected by charging self diagnostics and repairs, but
varying degrees of degradation to battery capacity and
life can be expected and irreversible.
If after 5 hours of automatic self-repairs of an over-
storage-period battery, the battery LED still blinks non-
stop, the battery can be taken out and left for about 5
minutes, and then charged in the charger. If the battery
LED is always on when charging starts and goes out within
2 hours, the battery performance is normal. If the battery