User Manual
GuestCall Extreme Coaster Paging System
Part Number: EXCPGR100, Model Number: JP2101
Paging System Setup
Lock the antenna into the hole in the upper right-hand corner of
the transmitter
and twisting left to lock in place. *** The antenna
should always be facing UP for best range.
Plug the power supply with the large tip into a standard 100-240v
outlet and plug it into the back of the transmitter.
We recommend some type of surge suppressor on the power supply for
Power surges are not covered under system warranty!
Pager Setup:
Position charging base in a sturdy, out of the way location.
Plug the power supply into a standard 100-240v outlet and into either open plug on the charger base. if
required charging bases can be connected using the included jumper wires (ACCHWIRE)
Be sure to all jumpers & powers supplies securely
Add pagers to the charger. You will see a RED light on each pager. This light indicates the charging status.
Pager Numbers:
The pager number shows digitally on the front display.