JRC JMA-1030 Series Instruction Manual Download Page 106







This function rejects signals that assumed as noise and clutter in radar videos. 

OFF: Turns off the noise rejection function, and displays all signals. Targets are popped up from noise and 

displayed like analog signals. 

Level1: Rejects the signals of definitely unwanted waves (noise and clutter). When detection of targets or 

unwanted waves in no definite, the signals are displayed. When detection of targets is definite, the 
signals are displayed. 

Level2: Rejects the signals of definitely unwanted waves (noise and clutter). When detection of targets or 

unwanted waves in no definite, the signals are displayed. When detection of targets is definite, the 
signals are displayed. It will remove the signal that can be regarded as unnecessary wave of more 
than level 1. 

Level3: Select if “Level1” and “Level2” cannot reject the signals enough. 


5.12.7  TIMED TX 

This function repeats the TX and Non-TX which set by the initial setting menu. 
The rotating of antenna does not stop during the Non-TX. 
To enable the timed TX function, you need to set ON Timed TX in this menu after you set ON of Adaptation in 
initial setting menu (refer to 8.3.5). 

OFF: Sets the timed TX function to OFF.


ON: Sets the timed TX function to ON. 








The state mark of Timed TX appears.    (Below of left side of display) 







If you execute function of the timed TX, please be careful. 
Because if you forget to execute the timed TX, you will misunderstand that radar transmitting was stopped 
and radar echo disappeared in the transmitting. You must be remembered that you had set on function of 
Timed TX. Please use timed TX with caution fully.




Summary of Contents for JMA-1030 Series


Page 2: ......

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Page 4: ...all doctor 4 Lay the patient on the back loosening the necktie clothes belts and so on 5 a Feel the patient s pulse b Check the heartbeat by bringing your ear close to the patient s heart c Check for respiration by bringing your face or the back of your hand to the patient s face d Check the size of patient s pupils 6 Opening the patient s mouth remove artificial teeth cigarettes chewing gum etc i...

Page 5: ...rm the com hout interrup to mouth re nsert a pipe ep breath an outh comple recovering a or any oth he patient s 1 Lift the head of you other Many opene way to artifici 2 Closin mouth patien Altern with y 3 3 Blowin Blow a chest patien breath check artificial res FI e Pati sed to Fig 1 to look bac read the airw w your brea en move yo Give rescue with the pati uninterrupt per minute W pproximate mbi...

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Page 8: ...may cause e to turn off t rson to a saf ss injured or ill her eyes or ere is no res somebody psed Please lance Call help call an a h one hand ger and fore head as you way If neck er jaw y check qui our cheek d person loo he following t est and abdom st your cheek on is breathin wait for the a r ill person o ushing the h d To mainta sition them ery 30 minute ary Resu Externa vent second n in panic ...

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Page 10: ...shock is d y jerk monary res person has b person has s n his her side mergency se n of an AED sy to use po t aiders con omes ready e AED unit el of the AED power on but turns on whe ts of the AE ads to the i m the chest ectrode pad the chest o g the chest he AED may indicated on h a dry towe acemaker o e the pads a r is present person s ch peel them o uire to conne n adults old lysis analyzes el E...

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Page 12: ...dard supply items are as follows The normal installation cable length is 10m between scanner and display Optional special length cables are prepared by JRC if request Option cable is provided with a length of 5m 15m 20m or 30m Please order it if necessary SCANNER UNIT 1 set DISPLAY UNIT 1 set SUN COVER 1 Piece INSTALLATION CABLE SCANNER TO DISPLAY 1 Piece Standard 10m POWER CABLE DC input cable 2m...

Page 13: ...his indication is neglected and these equipment are not operated correctly CAUTION This indication is shown where any person is supposed to be injured or any property damage is supposed to occur if this indication is neglected and these equipment are not operated correctly EXAMPLES OF PICTORIAL INDICATION Electric Shock The U mark represents CAUTION including DANGER and WARNING Detailed contents o...

Page 14: ...27 PZ No184 FZ of Federal Law about Technical Regulation dated December 12 2002 and Resolution of the Russian Federation Goverment dated 19 11 03 No0696 navigation equipment has an appropriate marking The marking can be perfomed by one of four variants depending on surface colour of equipment The images should be grey scale and should contrast against the surface colour ref to the Resolution of th...

Page 15: ...r off ply may res ANG spection or k by unau work of eq p sales off nance make sult in electr efore clean make sure t er the radar sult in equip nance work sult in electr GER r repair wor uthorized p quipment co fice or our e sure to tu rocution ning the equ to turn it off r is turned o pment failu on the ante rocution or rk of the eq ersonnel m omponents distributor urn the main uipment Es ff sinc...

Page 16: ...l ner when it wave is radia The micro especially o W m2 or po tenna or Ra 4 143 3 548 antenna at tromagnetic ody romagnetic dy When it pection pur or STBY enance wo ector J1 of t pletely cut onents can d off and connector do not rem display uni mponents o gh voltage nspection nch office is transmitt ated from th owave expo of the eyes ower at face adome 3 W m2 8 W m2 a place hig c waves at c waves...

Page 17: ...ag only echoes objects wi er suppress noise suppr avigation ai cision mus on decision collisions nction TT cision mus tion decisio may cause nction TT ms may con cannot be on decision collisions as an asso as the AIS ot vessel eq cked target e AIS func ear power in t radar In thi ode when the a due to det cessary sig o lower targ et too low d e hindered e set to an o sion functio ge noises fr s fr...

Page 18: ...uisition he radar an made by s sult in unsta ments duri on the rada e made by s sult in accid main powe sult in elect ons make s more than 5 sult in electr r watch whe comply ma magnet ay screen soline or th ult in damag o not remod e breakdow some error officer him s collision a n based on ion zone m ession lev al target ima zone alarm nd it may pecialized s able operat ing navigat ar function w ...

Page 19: ...EL MOUNTING POINT WARNING LABEL MOUNTING POINT Warning label is patched on the equipment visible surface Do not try to remove break or modify the label NKE 1066 SCANNER UNIT NKE 2044 SCANNER UNIT NCD 2256 DISPLAY UNIT ...

Page 20: ...256 Cover V305222 er Cable Q 9900 uction Man ZPRD0895 nting ware TG32528 ched parts XP35238 plate Z304757 A Cable O ZCRD1689 ans revisio G LIST ach unit are AY UNIT ts Name nual Screw 5X20 L Washer W5Bs Name p MPNN4 Fuse H 7ZXR Read M H 7ZPR Option on such T e as follows L r plate 48917 RD0032 e RD0898 as A B an nd so on Figure Qt 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 2 1 1 1 ty 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 2 1 1 1 ...

Page 21: ...XP35115 plate Z304696 allation Cab Q9924 10 NER UNIT rts Name Bolt M8X30 Spring SW8 S Washer W8 SU Instruc Equipm MTZ30 ble on such NER UNIT on such rts Name Bolt M8X30 Spring SW8 S Washer W8 SU Instruct Equipm MTZ30 ble T 0 SUS304 Washer SUS r US tion for ment 04691 as A B an T as A B an 0 SUS304 Washer US r US tion for ment 04694 nd so on nd so on Figure Figure e e Qt 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 Qt 1 4 4 4 1 ...

Page 22: ... 5feet Scanner Unit NKE 1066 Radome diameter 450mm 2feet Scanner Unit NKE 2044 Radome diameter 620mm STANDARD LENGTH 10m OPTION LENGTH 5m 15m 20m 30m JMA 1034 RADAR JMA 1032 RADAR 7inch WIDE VGA COLOR LCD DISPLAY NCD 2256 Installation cable CFQ9924 5 10 15 20 30 External Navigational Signal input NMEA 3 input ports CFQ 9900 Ship s Main Power Power Cable length 2m INCLUDING FUSE IN PLUS LINE FUSE T...


Page 24: ...Y KN COVER When you re he thumb po ngertip posi me action E SPLAY U USB PO USH SWITC OB WITH P emove the s osition push ition pull at UNIT ORT CH PUSH FRON Thumb po Fingertip sun cover do h and the the same T PANEL osition p position o TOU UCH PANE M SPE L REAR C MOUNTING BRACKET AKER CASE G ...



Page 27: ...7 5 ANTENNA HEIGHT SET UP 84 7 6 NOISE LEVEL 84 7 7 COMMUNICATION PORT SETUP 85 7 7 1 BAUD RATE 85 7 7 2 RX PORT 86 7 7 3 TX PORT 86 7 7 4 TX DATA FORMAT 87 7 7 5 TARGET INFORMATION TX 87 7 8 I F DEVICE 88 7 8 1 HEADING EQUIPMENT 89 7 8 2 MANUAL HEADING 89 7 8 3 SPEED EQUIPMENT 89 7 8 4 MANUAL SPEED 89 7 8 5 MAGNETIC COMPASS 89 7 9 JRC GPS for future enhancements 90 7 9 1 GPS STATUS DISPLAY 90 7 9...




Page 31: ...Strong breeze 7 High wind 8 fresh gale 9 Strong gale 10 Storm 11 Violent storm 12 Hurricane C C up Course up Own ship s course is pointed to the top center of the radar display CCRP The Consistent Common Reference Point A location on own ship to which all horizontal measurements such as target range bearing relative course relative speed CPA or TCPA are referenced typically the conning position of...

Page 32: ... value is small the accuracy of position is high HL Heading line A graphic line on a radar presentation drawn from the consistent common reference point to the bearing scale to indicate the heading of the ship H up Head up Own ship s heading line is always pointed to the top center of the radar display I IR Radar Interference Rejecter L LL Latitude Longitude coordinate system Log A device measures...

Page 33: ...elative to own ship s motion RM Relative Motion A display on which the position of own ship remains fixed and all targets move relative to own ship RM R Relative Motion Relative Trails RM T Relative Motion True Trails ROT Rate of Turn Change of heading per time unit Route A set of waypoints RR Range Rings S SART Search And Rescue Transponder Radar transponder capable of operating in the 9GHz band ...

Page 34: ...displacement from north True speed The speed of a target relative to ground or to sea True vector A vector representing the predicted true motion of a target showing course and speed with reference to the ground or sea TT Target Tracking A computer process of observing the sequential changes in the position of a radar target in order to establish its motion Such a target is a Tracked Target TTG Ti...

Page 35: ...ations Available cable lengths and types for installing the radar JMA 1030 are as shown in the table below Request an appropriate cable from JRC beforehand A cable longer than the sufficient length may degrade radar performance so give it careful consideration when planning the installation 10m cable is the standard configuration CFQ9924 5 5m 8 core Option CFQ9924 15 15m 8 core Option CFQ9924 20 2...

Page 36: ... from the compass Take precautions to prevent water from splashing through the window or door of the bridge onto the display unit Install the display unit by considering convenience of maintenance Install the display unit so that when the user is looking ahead the lookout view is not obscured Install the unit away from direct sunlight and heat source 1 2 2 SELECTION OF DISPLAY MOUNTING Display is ...


Page 38: ...Chapter 1 INSTALLATION 4 ...


Page 40: ...Chapter 1 INSTALLATION 6 DESKTOP MOUNTING TEMPLATE Note Please note the paper size 182 257 ...

Page 41: ...ve b Fix with th SH MOU unt base and ta he front 4 co NTING ake out cove orner screws F Note P er of front pa s to the wall Front cap Please slide o anel out when re emoving of t Chapter 1 the front cap INSTALLA p ATION 7 ...

Page 42: ...Chapter 1 INSTALLATION 8 FLUSH MOUNTING TEMPLATE Note Please note the paper size 182 257 ...

Page 43: ...Chapter 1 INSTALLATION 9 CEILING INSTALLATION Option Overhead Mounted Kit Note Please slide out when removing of the front cap Front cap ...

Page 44: ...g me LE INST wer cable for 9900 black s V ame ground e red line sid replace it wit nect with t eed measur of the ship p power s h as attachin ct to the s e is a risk o 9900 to the echanism to TALLAT r power supp shield mesh de th the spare the ship po re the voltag power sup supply is ng a rectifie ship powe of system fa e power inpu o lock the p ION ply to the dis h and green e parts ower supply ...

Page 45: ... GNS ZDA Talker G P etc Information ship position and the time GGA GNS GLL RMC Day ZDA RMC Time of equipment ZDA GGA GNS GLL RMC Reference NMEA0183 content outline of standard input output sentence xxACK Acknowledgement alarm xxBWC Bearing and Distance to Waypoint xxCUR Water current layer xxGGA Global Positioning System Fix Data xxGLL Geographic Position Latitude Longitude xxGNS GNSS fix data xxM...

Page 46: ... I allation posi s radar 2θ e s normally e 1030 θ THE SC TALLAT ERIA of the mast d at the abo nd reinforce ner from vibr the smoke f aces a platfo RITERIA anner relates if it is too h am width the t a close in t t by taking in nance after in etect a long d ting beam c NSTAL ition is supp equals 25 elevated so t 12 5 Fig 1 3 CANNE TION PO on the keel ove position e the mount ration and im from the ...

Page 47: ...l the scanner Consider the convenience of the service staff who take care of installation maintenance adjustment and repair of the scanner by providing adequate footholds to the mounting rack and the radar mast Fig 1 3 3 1 3 4 SCANNER AND THE SURROUNDING STRUCTURAL OBJECTS When installing the scanner select a location where there are the fewest structural objects in the surrounding area so that fa...

Page 48: ...0 Fig 1 3 5 Reference If there is a concern that structural objects existing within the vertical beam width may generate false images equip the structural objects with a radio wave absorber There are two types of absorbers broadband type having no specific resonant frequency and narrowband type which can absorb a band with a specific frequency Use those where applicable Furthermore it is effective...

Page 49: ...ay unit of the radar should not be run parallel with the cables of other radio equipment Cable should not be exposed sharp bends Ensure that the equipment is grounded Maintain a flat level surface on which to install the scanner Use sufficiently thick steel material and reinforcement material for the scanner s installation surface mount base to reduce vibration and impact Keep the mount base flat ...

Page 50: ...Chapter 1 INSTALLATION 16 1 3 6 CONFIRM MOUNTING BASE BEFORE INSTALL NKE 1066 1 5FT SCANNER Fig 1 3 6 2 Fig 1 3 6 1 4 φ40 RUBBER PLATE ...

Page 51: ...Chapter 1 INSTALLATION 17 NKE 2044 2FT SCANNER Fig 1 3 6 3 Fig 1 3 6 4 ...

Page 52: ...t Base mm Bolt Torque N m 3 15 mm Recommend M8X30SUS attachment 20 N m Use of washer and corrosion resistant measures At the location where a bolt s head comes in contact with the scanner chassis legs and the mount base insert a plain washer and spring washer which fit the bolt and then securely tighten the bolts To prevent corrosion due to the contacts between different metals such as the scanner...

Page 53: ...t affected by wind The microwave radiator is also protected by the radome even in a poor weather conditions it can be rotated stably at all times Remove the radome then open the metal protection cover and connect the connector as the following Display side Scanner side Fig 1 4 2 Fig 1 4 1 braided shield braided shield unit mm unit mm screw locking The installation cable can pass through a hole app...

Page 54: ...e any direction during the initial setting However it is strongly recommended that you install the scanner with the shortest cable length along the mast bow Ship heading Fig 1 4 1 1 Open radome Loosen the screws by using box spanner tool then you can lift up the radome Fig 1 4 1 2 stern HORN ANNTENA 1 5FT CABLE INLET Loosen the screws 4 points ...

Page 55: ...Chapter 1 INSTALLATION 21 Fig 1 4 1 3 ...

Page 56: ...unt unting the s olts If the b er When m ing base th scanner uni bolts are to mounting t hickness mu it please c o long it g he scanne ust not exc heck the m gives severe r unit plea ceed 15mm maximum le e damage t ase use th 0 6inch ength of the to inside of he attached e f d ...

Page 57: ... e toward the cable to elec Fig angle mark Fig 1 clip e outside ctrical parts Lik g 1 4 1 4 in the cente 4 1 5 In the fo in order ke this er of the cab Con ollowing orde to press uni le inlet nnect cable er on the dia iformly pack 1 3 Chapter 1 mesh wire a agonal tight king INSTALLA as Ground ten graduall 4 2 ATION 23 y ...

Page 58: ...stall and possible to initial setup but it is better selection to select the cable length must be minimize along the mast Ship heading bow stern Fig 1 4 2 1 Open radome Loosen the screws by using box spanner tool then you can lift up the radome Fig 1 4 2 2 HORN ANNTENNA 2FT CABLE INLET RECEIVER Loosen the screws 6 points ...

Page 59: ...Chapter 1 INSTALLATION 25 Fig 1 4 2 3 ...

Page 60: ...unt unting the s olts If the b er When m ing base th scanner uni bolts are to mounting t hickness mu it please c o long it g he scanne ust not exc heck the m gives severe r unit plea ceed 15mm maximum le e damage t ase use th 0 6inch ength of the to inside of he attached e f d ...

Page 61: ...Attach the radome Set to fit the triangle mark of the upper and lower radome Fig 1 4 2 5 Clamp the cable Connect cable mesh wire as Ground Like this In the following order on the diagonal tighten gradually in order to press uniformly packing 4 1 2 3 5 6 ...

Page 62: ...we mean when we mention tap flick and swipe when you re using a touch screen take a look at this table The operation with touch panel TAP Push an item once Swipe Sliding the finger while it is touching the screen Flick Flick is just like a swipe only faster Long tap Pushing a item and keeping more than 3 seconds The operation of a Rotary knob Click Push in a Rotary knob once Rotating and choosing ...

Page 63: ...reen 2 PWR CLR Push Switch Push Turns on the equipment when the power is turned off Clear function when the power is turned on Long Push Turns off the equipment when the power is turned on 3 Rotary Knob Turn Select the menu Push Selection decision 4 USB port Saves files Updates the software Heading SPD base on ground 1 Numerical Information MOB Range Ring Heading Line Bearing Scale Bearing Mode Mo...

Page 64: ... ration is stab equired for c nsmitting is ansmission i O occur if th peration of t t is turned ps upply volta again on the pow ed at start o ced preheat smit state agnetron ca ange and ch eantime im state for 5 to bilized cold start be possible f you press pening scre he power the radar I off by the p age to the d wer again of the system t the equipm uses sparks hange the ra mediately p 10 minute...

Page 65: ...Chapter 2 START THE BASIC OPERATION 31 Starting transmission Stopping transmission ...

Page 66: ...TAND up screen Press the P Normal s Swip ASIC OPER N LAY DBY SCR Startup s WR CLR ke screen pe Swip RATION YOUT REEN screen ca ey 3 seconds G pe Swipe an be selec s or more Graphical scr cted from Swi reen Swipe three cho ipe Nume e oices belo erical screen S ow n Swipe ...

Page 67: ...Chapter 2 START THE BASIC OPERATION 33 Tap on the screen to select graphical display screen ...

Page 68: ...erica ART THE BA us STBY s screen al screen al screen Flick up ASIC OPER screens a F Fli Fl F Flic RATION and Icon m Flick up ick down Flick up lick down Flick up ck down menu Flick up Flick down Flick up Flick down Flick up Flick down Flick k down ...

Page 69: ...ran ON SCR creen then t n Ta nsmitting REEN the resident Turn the r Set focus ap TX icon Chapt t icons will b Abou rotary knob t s on TX icon Flick up er 2 STAR e displayed ut 10 second Flick up to select the n Flick down RT THE BAS ds the icons e TX icon Start TX F do SIC OPERA s fade out lick own ATION 35 ...

Page 70: ...icon knob to sele s focused knob to exe by the rotar knob to fix t ustment can RATION FUNCT e rotary kno Push the display t No oper the icon n or push ro ect a functio ecute functio ry knob the setting be realized TION ICO b when the e rotary knob to the icons ration about 10 s s fade out TX otary knob n icon on by a touch STBY ONS TX STBY ic o seconds con is focuse Tap icon o ed R r push rotary T...

Page 71: ...he rotary Or tary knob wh of STBY Gain setting Flick the gr evel while m rn icon y knob or tap hen the GAI g mode reen bar Adjustme is shown monitoring th p the return Or Chapt N icon is foc Tap Auto T ent Bar he radar ech Push icon to fix th Or er 2 STAR cused of Gain set Tap or he case of T ho in TX mod rotary knob he setting RT THE BAS tting mode TX de SIC OPERA Gain is automa ATION 37 set atic...

Page 72: ...con y knob or tap en the SEA g mode reen bar monitoring p the return Or icon is focu Tap Auto the radar ec Push icon to fix th Or Please u AUTO is adjustme In AUT It is a s adjusta It canno RAIN AU used of SEA sett Tap or cho in TX mo rotary knob he setting use normally s suitable for ent is difficu TO the slide semi automa able AUTO ot be set at th UTO ting mode ode y the MANUA r bad weathe lt at...

Page 73: ...ressio p the return Or Chapt N icon is foc Tap Auto on level whi Push icon to fix th Or Please AUTO adjust In AUT It is a s adjusta It can SEA A er 2 STAR cused of RAIN se Tap o le monitorin rotary knob he setting e use norma O is suitable tment is diffi TO the slide semi automa able AUTO nnot be set a AUTO RT THE BAS etting mode or g the radar ally the MAN for bad wea cult at MAN bar is enab atic...

Page 74: ...acking ng automati direction the be required of a direction and GPS can select th eceived the A e longitude gnal head aring line direction by e marker distance by ON OF t echo ustment ar the ship ining as it is observe an jection adju microwave more far ra markably arate the tar Set up the sets up not d the crew fa ediately e latitude and or can take c ust be co ically is disp e distance t the hea...

Page 75: ...0 NM 4NM 8N Mode of the displa ided etting is eas ake setting w sed function ups n the initial s ng menu by set up indiv on is the ce reen position Shi ndby transmission changed Th 5NM 075N NM 16NM a 5NM 075N NM 16NM ay color and sily changed with option k to a user op setting men y entering th vidually Chapt nter of scree fting point a n and ST BY he maximum M 1 5NM 3N are possible M 1 5NM 3N 32N...

Page 76: ...y set by c change the unction easi specified se ode Standar Coast is su y boats and Float is suita er returns River is suit d own ship rea generat es out the s t drag and t icated s uses this c play setting n the screen n unnecessa is necess by situation calling a con radar echo o ily sets mos ettings rd is suitable uitable to mo ships are ru able to detec table for usin te the alarm et up area g ...

Page 77: ...Specified icons can be copied to the favorite icon area All of the icons are displayed You can line up your favorite function icons in this area 4 or less Fixed icons TX STBY Gain Tap and hold the icon Tap and hold the icon listed in the favorite icon area Tapped icon is removed from the favorite icon area Then the remaining icons are shifted to the left ...

Page 78: ...JUS NGE changed by ure below ected 1 5NM e shows the GE GE RING IN Increase ST TH y tap increas Or M range e range of s NTERVAL HE RA Range sca Range NM 0 0625N 0 125NM 0 25NM 0 5NM 0 75NM 1NM 1 5NM 2NM 3NM 4NM 6NM 8NM 12NM 16NM 24NM 32NM 48NM Adjust se decrease selected ran ADAR ale list e NKE 1 JMA 1 NM M ted by the ra e icon as nge R ECH 1066 1032 NKE JMA ange icon HO E 2044 A 1034 ...

Page 79: ...ivity as foll STMEN r echo sens Middle gain level to o high unne hoes increa set too low ay be hinde l o the gain a ne weather g the case of s necessary ssion functio d to choose an appropri possible to o lows C NT itivity maximum t ecessary si ase to lower detection o ered Theref djustment m gain level is a bad weath to adjust no on and rain s an appropri iate gain lev obtain an ac hapter 3 A Rad...

Page 80: ...R SUP level sea clutter s ng out all im only echoes ts will beco ure to choo essary to ad r exactly Fa ho uppression 3 3 PRESS S suppressio mage noises s from wav ome inhibite se the mos just the sea ailure to do s level Pleas SION Sea Clutter s Suitab n function s from the s es but also ed When us t appropria clutter supp so it is poss e refer to th suppression ble level never set t sea surface o...

Page 81: ...to adju exactly Fai suppression 3 3 ER SU Ra by rain snow ause small ta snow clutte o high cance Detection o other ships g the rain sn ost appropr ust the rain ilure to do s n level Pleas C PPRES in clutter su some targ w clutter retur argets to be r suppress eling out al of not only e or dangero now clutter riate image snow clutter o it is impos se refer to th hapter 3 A SSION ppression le gets b...

Page 82: ...ouch the fu sing the rota HO LLIANC n the bottom illiance level s adjustmen ear when yo g the rotary k adjusted by unction icon ary knob the CE ano portion of th l by the leng nt menu app u double tap knob also ap y using the r to adjust the en the scree other o he gth of pear by tapp p on the scre ppeared rotary knob a e brightness en is release operati ing brightne een too In a at any time s in ...

Page 83: ... snow clutter suppression function the sea clutter suppression function is switched to the manual mode The sea clutter suppression function AUTO and the rain snow suppression function AUTO cannot be selected at the same time In addition Please adjust the video in function MANUAL usually Please attempt the function AUTO when the video adjustment of short range cannot adjust by the bad weather ACTUA...

Page 84: ... EBL line the screen EBL icon or F VRM F out 10 seco VRM ring w ND E M EBL ng can be m creen Of co or double pu e can be rot Of course t r double pus FUNCT onds R will move Or EBL F L moved to the urse the sa sh the rotary tated to the s the same op sh the rotary TION Range from Turn t movem FUNC specified ta ame operatio y knob when specified tar peration can y knob when own ship to he rotary kn ...

Page 85: ...by EARING is ne al display onl display AIS sym nal is received ve BEAM WID n 5 2 degrees out the target uth can be me ulse length wh NGE ECHO us ct RANGE for FUNCT Target be ll move alon Or OR REFE e measured by d from own sh ed from the no y RELATIVE B cessary a sign y RELATIVE mbol is neces d normally azi DTH is about 5 s or 4 degrees azimuth you easured by the hich transmitte sing VRM you r any...

Page 86: ...h and NS ARIO ON MA n informatio nt of the boa s radar prov arises on ime till arriv rescue effo US F AN OV n is required at there is a vides a singl the screen ving at MOB orts UNCT VERBOA d possibility t e press Man including a B This eme TION ARD hat a person n Overboard a range det rgency syst ICON n fall from bo d MOB ope tailed info s tem enables NS oat eration Insta such as pos s immediate ...

Page 87: ...o shift t e to tap once R FUNC the center o e on the ico CTION of own ship i n center of Ch n order to o own ship w hapter 5 V bserve a pa ill be shifted VARIOUS FU articular targe d as the follo UNCTION IC et in a wider owing figures CONS 53 r s ...

Page 88: ...ignal com T 35 04 N 136 46 e screen for bar will be f NS NCTION hod or function c icon Tap a ace where it ation at that nal coming in e displayed en 0 0 3464NM 2 1MIN ing in 2292 N 3008 E r about 10 s fade out N can read out anywhere on t has been ta t point are di n the latitud seconds The cu double t a selected n the screen apped At th isplayed in t de and longit ursor icon is e tap target infor...

Page 89: ...buoy la unds n can help y same time CTION on is required to detect an RM or OUT target ente target went tracking auto he zone that n OFF ssion zones sabling auto FOR REF with own ship let you set n alarm andmass or you monitor Ch d echo movem ALARM or red the set z t out of the s omatically t you set s avoiding u matic acqui FERENC p movement t a guard zo any other o r objects nea hapter 5 V ment ...

Page 90: ...GTH Other ship s movement and speed can be monitored from the lengths and direction of their trails serving for collision avoidance In this section choose from the Short Middle Long or Super long The selected group of trails is displayed in the main menu Short OFF 15sec 30sec 1min 2min 3min 4min 5min 6min 10min 15min CONT Middle OFF 30sec 1min 2min 3min 4min 5min 6min 10min 15min 30min CONT Long O...

Page 91: ...Chapter 5 VARIOUS FUNCTION ICONS 57 5 5 2 SETUP THE RADAR TRAILS REF LEVEL etc You can be selected in the range of trail length set by 5 5 1 ...

Page 92: ...nd and other fixed targets True bearing signal input and speed signal input are required to display radar trails in true trail mode Relative motion trails The system plots the trails of a target at a position relative to the own ship The operator can easily judge whether the target is approaching the own ship While the own ship is moving the system also plots the trails when the own ship is turnin...

Page 93: ...d AIS target ymbol shows I Plan Posit ape is an is the approxim ing bearing ceived the ta selecting a mation this s elected targe e basic colo AIS symbol hapter 5 V required using other he AIS funct on the scree t s the positio tion indicato osceles trian mate headin information arget is disp n AIS target symbol is su et This is d or is white l VARIOUS FU ships inform tion is turned en n of an AIS...

Page 94: ...formation w e target Pos et detailed d ay until the ta ss the CLR b TC ection RN SO NA ding and GP ourse and s ill sound in a Tap a targ Then a TT Tracked ta When the maximum Delete the which is obse sition inform data arget is lost button CPA TIM NG Ta OG Th AME Th S signal CO speed of a ta a dangerous get which yo T symbol ma arget is num number of t 10 targets e unnecessa erved from th mation i...

Page 95: ...electing a ymbol is sup s displayed w s superimpo s or dangero Ch True mode o own ship co own ship spe arget is lost an be closed splayed for t red with a circle tracking tar perimpose d with a split s ose displaye ous targets hapter 5 V or Relative m ourse and ta eed and targ and its vect d by press th he target wh of thick line rget to displa isplayed on square basi d on trackin VARIOUS FU mode ...

Page 96: ... Enhance Level1 Level2 Level2 Level2 Level2 Auto STC FTC Off Off Off Off Off Video Latitude Normal Normal Narrow Wide2 Wide1 Video Noise Rejection Level1 Level2 Level3 Level1 Level2 Trails interval Off Off 3min 3min Off Trails mode Relative True True True True Trails REF Level Level1 Level4 Level4 Level4 Level4 Time All combine Off Off Off Off Off Max Interval Short Short Short Short Short PRF Nor...

Page 97: ...5 VARIOUS FUNCTION ICONS 63 5 9 SWITCHING DAY NIGHT MODE Combination of the display color and brilliance according to the ambient lighting conditions is provided The display color setting can be changed easily ...

Page 98: ... It is possible that you can give your favorite function to the option key By using the option key you can open the heavily used menu in one operation You can set a function listed in the bar menu to an option key as following However the functions performed by an icon cannot assign to the option key Example ...

Page 99: ...of memos You can undo and redo the memos You can delete all the memos by tapping the clear bar You can select a marker to display by tapping the view menu bar Numerical of the upper right menu shows the screen points the amount of dots that can be entered It is possible to enter until 2000 points The memos that you made is memorized even after the indicator turned off ...

Page 100: ...Chapter 5 VARIOUS FUNCTION ICONS 66 5 11 2 LINE FUNCTION To use this function ship s heading and position information are required ...

Page 101: ...sary Memo function need not If no GPS signal is input you cannot select the Line function You can change the color and width of lines You can undo and redo the lines You can delete all the lines by tapping the clear bar You can select a marker to display by tapping the view menu bar Numerical of the upper right menu shows the screen points the amount of dots that can be entered It is possible to e...

Page 102: ... signal is input you cannot select Symbol marker function You can select the following symbols Cross symbol1 Cross symbol2 Y symbol Sandglass symbol You can change the color and size of the markers You can undo and redo the markers You can delete all the markers by tapping the clear bar You can select a marker to display by tapping the view menu bar The maximum number of markers is 2000 points The...

Page 103: ...Chapter 5 VARIOUS FUNCTION ICONS 69 5 12 RADAR ECHO It is used when you want to adjust the settings of your favorite radar image ...

Page 104: ...ecommended conditions are following In bays harbors and narrow waterway where targets are densely crowed Rough sea state due to torrential rain or stormy weather MP Middle Pulse The normal transmission pulse length is set Both range resolution and sensitivity are appropriately set Recommended conditions are General navigation LP Long Pulse The transmission pulse length becomes longer and sensitivi...

Page 105: ... ode to detec ode when ow ode to detec becomes sm TUDE h receiving s c range at sh e dynamic ra ainy weathe n Normal is ain clouds r ide1 in rainy y the target e As a result m solution is re p for vertical dar video p for vertical ts such as b ps for vertica eturns and r ate the to supp ed ighlight targe use this fun rocessing eral many rain sno ight targets w ct small targ wn ship yaw ct small ta...

Page 106: ... displayed It will remove the signal that can be regarded as unnecessary wave of more than level 1 Level3 Select if Level1 and Level2 cannot reject the signals enough 5 12 7 TIMED TX This function repeats the TX and Non TX which set by the initial setting menu The rotating of antenna does not stop during the Non TX To enable the timed TX function you need to set ON Timed TX in this menu after you ...

Page 107: ...tomatically In the manual tuning mode tuning is carried out by yourself When AUTO is selected the equipment automatically adjust tuning Tuning is adjusted when the range is changed or pulse length is changed When MANUAL is selected adjust the video to be the largest by observing the tune indicator bar Because the tune indicator bar is the guide during manual tuning adjust the tune indicator bar to...

Page 108: ... displayed so that the ship s heading line points to the zenith of the PPI Since targets are displayed in their direction relative to the ship s heading line the operator can view the video in the same field of view as in operating the ship at sea This mode is suitable for watching over other ships NUP mode is displayed so that the zenith of the PPI points to the due north Fixed targets do no flic...

Page 109: ...d easily monitored The relative vector does not represent the true motion of the target but its relative relation with own ship This means that a target with its relative vector directed to own ship will be a dangerous target The vector length of a target is proportional to its speed and the vector time can be switched in a range of 1 to 60 minutes 5 16 MARKER Marker Mode sets whether to display E...

Page 110: ...Chapter 5 VARIOUS FUNCTION ICONS 76 5 17 TARGET It is used when you want to set about function of target tracking function TT and AIS ...

Page 111: ...a value displ rder signed to the ssigned to th d by the ass ALARM EA ALR sen ISPLAY S display tar IST DIS ay ON is s ON OFF S function riteria before etween 0 1 a riteria before between 1 a SPLAY he distance hich center i MBER D ayed beside e 1 to 10 num he 11 to 60 n signed ID nu FROM A ntence recei Y TARGE rgets Set th PLAY selected the e operating and 9 9NM e operating and 99 min Y of the speci...

Page 112: ...er right are NMEA information also can be changed by tapping upper right are It is possible to display the 6 combinations as following Depth and Latitude Longitude Temperature and Latitude Longitude Depth and Wind True Temperature and Wind True Depth and Wind Relative Temperature and Wind Relative ...

Page 113: ... sepa GA VIDEO O Connect the cable Mounting N N FU OR OUT External mo s no guara an external onal interfac sub 15 pin c radar is impo arately OUTPUT e signal NQA 2447 NCTI TPUT onitor outpu nteed monitor An ce you can l connector E ossible throu Ex 7 Chap IONS ut waterpro n optional kit ead out the xternal mon ugh the exte xternal mon 800x480 W pter 6 OPT oofing IPX5 t NQA 2447 video signa nitor s...

Page 114: ... V2 0 GGA G LL RMC ZDA V2 3 GGA GLL RMC GNS ZDA Talker G P etc Information classification about a ship the time entry GGA G NS G LL RMC Day and time entry ZDA Time entry of equipment ZDA GGA GNS GLL RMC IEC61162 1 2 considerable Priority of data L L GGA RMC RMA GNS GLL SOG COG RMC RMA VTG Log speed VBW VHW HEADING THS HDT HDG HDM DEPTH DPT DBT WATER TEMP MTW AIS VDM VDO ALR WIND MWV VWT VWR WAYPOI...

Page 115: ... at the factory This product will be shipped in a usable state However in the case you want to configure it with your favorite please set it by referring to this chapter It is recommended that you save to USB memory see 8 5 6 1 or you keep a note of the setting by the user for return to the previous setting ...

Page 116: ...fine tun ning adjustm ent had bee ed up the ra age bar SELECT ou can t und me please re USTME agnetron tub nes the rece ment is neces en already se adar at first TION erstand it is eselect the la ENT be in the tran eiver circuits ssary for ma et at the fac s able to retu anguage nsmitter dict to match th aintaining a tory You sh Choose a urn to the En tate the prec heir maximum high perform hould ...

Page 117: ... described in Before adjustment at the same direction as measured 7 4 RANGE ADJUSTMENT Adjust the range so that the range of the target on the radar video is indicated correctly This set up is make the target RANGE coincident with the VRM readout data Read out the target range by the VRM function The target has the same height with the radar scanner should be better Range unit is using the NM in m...

Page 118: ...ontrol At a short range sea clutter level is proportion to the height of the scanner So an optimum sea clutter rejection constant must be selected according with the height of antenna 7 6 NOISE LEVEL The noise level had been adjusted at the factory When you adjust the noise level after installation perform only fine tuning within 5 ...

Page 119: ...IAL SETTINGS 85 7 7 COMMUNICATION PORT SETUP Set up the communication port to communicate external device 7 7 1 BAUD RATE Data speed setting of communication Auto Switching automatically between 4800bps and 38400bps ...

Page 120: ...S 86 7 7 2 RX PORT Choose the receive port of each signal It sets to automatic when there is no particular problem Auto Switching automatically between NMEA1 NMEA2 and NMEA3 7 7 3 TX PORT Choose the transmit port of each signal ...

Page 121: ...rmat of the transmission data to be transmitted from the transmission port 7 7 5 TARGET INFORMATION TX Set this menu when you want to send from the NMEA port sending the information of the ship and target that was acquired by the AIS and TT target tracking function or or ...

Page 122: ...quipment when inputting true bearing signals true bearing data and speed data Settings and parameters are different for each type of equipment Make settings for the type of equipment to be connected Tap Input code 0 and tap ENT Tap I F Device Tap the desired menu Next to section 7 8 5 deg kn ...

Page 123: ... the manual setting value set will be operational but please do never forget that it is running in head up always 7 8 3 SPEED EQUIPMENT Selects the input of the speed data of own ship GPS Input the speed data of own ship from GPS receiver Log Input the speed data of heading direction from 1 axis log 2axis Log Input the speed data of heading and lateral direction from 2 axis log For manual input th...

Page 124: ...eivers directly connected to the connector for which GPS is engraved at the rear of the cabinet 7 9 1 GPS STATUS DISPLAY Display the reception status of the GPS receivers GPS DGPS and WAAS receivers currently connected This setting is available only for JRC GPS DGPS WAAS receiver directly connected to the connector for which GPS is engraved at the cabinet This function cannot indicate with transmi...

Page 125: ...ngle Fix a position only with single GPS Does not perform fixing with SBAS or beacon SBAS Fix a position with SBAS or single GPS Does not perform fixing with beacon Beacon Fix a position with beacon or single GPS Does not perform fixing with SBAS AUTO The optimum setting is selected from single GPS SBAS and beacon 7 9 2 3 FIX MODE Set the GPS fix mode 2D 2D positioning can be done with height acqu...

Page 126: ...ow a great number of changes will occur but there will be little time lag As such it is important to choose the optimal value for your own usage situation 7 9 2 9 SMOOTHING This setting is corresponding to relatively old JRC GPS model Note The smoothing setting range is as below 0 10 40 sec Smoothing function can be applied to measured positions speeds and courses However if the set value of the s...

Page 127: ...conditions or not The higher the accuracy level is the wider the judgment range is When off is selected RAIM accuracy level function is stopped and the judgment cannot be performed For single GPS set to 30m or more 7 9 2 12 EXCLUSION SATELLITE It uses the GPS satellites to get position information But in this setting it sets for a satellite to disable Please set when the failed GPS satellite was f...

Page 128: ...Chapter 7 INITIAL SETTINGS 94 7 9 2 13 GPS SETTING SEND DATA Send GPS setting Data to the GPS receiver 7 9 2 14 GPS ADJUST ...

Page 129: ...lect an optimum beacon station automatically Manual You need to set the beacon frequency and baud rate by yourself Note This setting is enabled when Station Select is set to Manual 7 9 4 SBAS SETTING AUTO Automatically selects the SBAS satellite number Manual Manually enter the SBAS satellite number This setting is enabled when Satellite Search is set to Manual ...

Page 130: ...L PERFORMANCE SETTINGS Chapter 8 DETAIL PERFORMANCE SETTINGS 8 1 SETS RADAR ECHO This setting are items that greatly affects the radar image When you want to change please change while observing the radar image carefully ...

Page 131: ...m the change supp t adjustmen lisions may ty is set too nd false ech nsitivity is s objects ma ptimal leve ESSION ss main ban ar image foc to remain li setting at fa et the radar on 4 Turn t mum positio he strength LEVEL o level4 If th perly AIN control e changed u e operation pression lev nt will result occur resul o high unne hoes increa set too low ay be hinde l Chapter 8 ng a reflecti cusing o...

Page 132: ... echo rous objects unction ma sion level or sea of th ed affects r clutter supp ng out all im ot only echo rous objects unction ma sion level he curve sele sea clutter s ression fun mage noise oes from w s will becom ake sure to he curve sele rain clutter s pression fun mage noise oes from w s will becom ake sure to ection Plea uppression nction neve es from the waves but al me inhibite choose the...

Page 133: ...nd longitude Radar alarm level means alarm detection level in the guard zone When ships enter or depart from the guard zone alarm will sound Detection levels can be set from level1 to level4 When setting to lower level detection the alarm operates for weaker targets When setting to higher level detection be careful because the alarm may not operate properly RADAR Alarm1 For guard zone1 RADAR Alarm...

Page 134: ...oes not func antization l ate value t on TT dete t of the targe When Vector can search t moving target ise When re st Because t detection a g and GPS ction correct level setting he acquisit eriorates a et When Ve Constant is the moveme t but many egion is nar of fast targe area gate fo signal COG tly gs unless a tion or track nd this may ector Consta small vecto ent target au clutters are row poss...

Page 135: ... PRF Fine Tuning Fine tune the transmitting repetition frequency of the transmitter in the range 90 to 100 This setting cannot be performed simultaneously with the setting of STAGGER TRIGGER 8 3 2 STAGGER TRIGGER Turn on off the interference reduction function controlled by the transmission repetition frequency control of the transmitter This function is effective when radar interference does not ...

Page 136: ...o disappear d timed TX fun is menu Don t use t time area r execute the SETTINGS TATION each is higher eed high the range tenna vity ransmitting s Normal Bo y lowers bu ves when lo peat transmi during the n nction you n the timed TX radar echo e timed TX N SPEE repetition fre oth appropria ut the service ong pulse are itting and no ot transmitti need to set O X function disappear and this m 0 48rpm...

Page 137: ...the tune tting in the ill be influe ay lead to a TMENT r to be swing h 8 3 7 Tuni JMA 1034 value of nea e and autom may result in nt value is re EVEL adjust the tu JMA 1034 while adju orm properly r always rea peak adjus ng in the fac ill be influe may lead to a indicator le factory If c nced and r accidents Chapter 8 g largest at t ing indicator ar the 64 at t atic tuning f improvemen equired for...

Page 138: ...st the buzzer volume and calibration of the touch panel 8 4 1 TOUCH PANEL CALIBRATION Please run this menu if there is a difference in the position it reacts with the position touched on the screen And please also used this menu when you have changed the touch pen etc ...

Page 139: ...TINGS 8 4 2 BUZZER 8 5 MAINTENANCE SETTING It sets the buzzer volume The 0 is muted Note If set to 0 you may be delay that realize the danger of the capability And you may be mistaken not to run functions Please set by considering enough ...

Page 140: ...th e the settings radar screen DAR Echo a ESET unstable it m ecome to the gs before to If you pres Note that All Reset the factor SETTINGS ET ss YES the al reset is th reset is the DAR and e he s of n and may be stab e factory ins run the all re ss YES the performing t make to ry inspectio e operation he function function to r bilized by init spection sett eset see 8 e operation g All Reset initia...

Page 141: ...he scanner he scanner time data st ting time ab E CLEAR ess YES th unit can be i ME CLEA data stored rnal control me data internal con time data tored in the d ove when m R e operation nitialized AR in the scann circuit perfo ntrol circuit display unit magnetron or Chapter 8 n will be exe ner into the orm the proc into the sca r scanner m 8 DETAIL ecuted imm display unit cedure below anner interna...

Page 142: ...follo Ini ST Ins t when you ng of the all the update t SETTINGS TE owing data c tial Value TC Curve sert Langua installed the menu in ini able by the can be uplo age e radar and tial value of partial reset oaded the radar ad f this item It t function se djustment ha becomes p ee 8 5 1 as been com ossible to re mpleted run estore the n the ...

Page 143: ...109 Chapter 8 DETAIL PERFORMANCE SETTINGS 8 5 6 INTERNAL SETTING You can store in the internal settings to the USB memory by using the USB port or read out the internal settings from USB memory ...

Page 144: ...mem l settings wi Echo settings ting Menu w u settings w e and Memo O USB not recogn ng items sh memory tted in FAT B flash mem s ction to access U you use US the dedicate USB flash m rmat type AT32 AT32 e dedicated AT32 format h memory fo saved in th the settings MORY port lay unit you em memory n the system itions to a U mory are foll ll be saved t s in the Main will be saved will be saved o Set...

Page 145: ... y ormatting p rmat does n ort h memory p n formatting age USB Fo B flash mem ructions of 8 MORY y and write i stem to the p not recogn ng items sh memory tted in FAT B flash mem s ction to access U you use US please do n not support please selec USB is dis ormat Finish mory Forma 8 5 6 1 If you Chapter 8 t to the syst previous ope nized by cau in FAT32 f T32 format a mory built t USB flash m B fl...

Page 146: ... units and own ship outline the radar range to be used 8 6 1 MASTER SLAVE DEMO Master Set to this item when connecting to scanner Slave Set to this item when input video signal of external source to display echo without scanner Demo Set to this item when no video signal is input from external source and no scanner is connected ...

Page 147: ... 8 6 2 OWN SHIP OUTLINE You can set the outline of the own ship in meters In order to reduce the distance measurement error due to radar please also set the installation position of the scanner 8 6 3 UNIT Set the unit that you have accustomed ...

Page 148: ...sed signal to a reference of how to move the ship LL latitude and longitude is initial value There is no need to change it if you have a stable operation of the radar 8 6 5 USE RANGE SELECT Turn on off the range display 32NM 48NM 32sm and 48sm ranges cannot be used in JMA 1032 ...

Page 149: ... SCREEN You can set the display screen color 8 7 1 OWN VECTOR DISPLAY Select the Own Vector display ON or OFF Own vector will appear with dotted line The color is same as the heading line To view the Own vector must be set to True in the vector mode menu ...

Page 150: ... Turn on off numerical information upper right on the screen 8 7 4 DISPLAY COLOR There is that you can not select the color combination For example PPI color is black and Character color is black If you want to select PPl color white don t forget change the Cursor color except white 8 7 5 WAYPOINT DISPLAY When waypoint information is received from the navigation equipment the waypoint mark appears...

Page 151: ...et in a circle having a radius of 20 NM from the own ship s position If 50 or more targets exist in the filter range they are displayed according to the priority explained in AIS Symbols 8 8 ERROR ALARM MASK It is possible that even if an error is detected the error make not to display on the screen Do not change the set value carelessly If alarm detection is turned off or detection time is change...

Page 152: ...it Do not change the set value carelessly If alarm detection is turned off or detection time is changed be careful because the alarm may not occur or may be delayed 8 8 3 RX DATA Set the error alarm of RX data Do not change the set value carelessly If alarm detection is turned off or detection time is changed be careful because the alarm may not occur or may be delayed Other items can be adjusted ...

Page 153: ... epair work shock pair work o shop sale intenance y result in e wer before c e sure to tu r the indica equipment od condition made prope ance work nit are as foll n the equipm for good ven EACH 6 DAN aintenance w y result in e is soiled w alcohol or w reflect on it e trichloroe eriorate Ch NCE A NGER on or repai by unautho of equipmen s office or make sure electrocutio cleaning the rn it off sin a...

Page 154: ...D 2256 ning the dis do not use comply will en will reduc ece of soft c iece of dry c 44 DAN aintenance w y result in e is soiled w alcohol or w reflect on it e trichloroe eriorate DAN splay scree e gasoline o result in da ce clarity and cloth flanne cloth nor use NGER work on th electrocutio with smoke s water and try resulting in thylene and NGER en do not w or thinner t amage to th d darken the ...

Page 155: ...Unit Tuning Can be adjusted tuning at the manual tune Observe a weak echo as far possible 24NM or 48NM range during transmitting Magnetron Current 9 3 1 TEST MENU Scanner information The bar is 50 more Antenna Rotation Rotation speed can change slow when small Range changing to up Display Unit Gain cane be STC can be FTC can be LCD brilliance can be Marker can be VRM can be EBL can be Can be corre...

Page 156: ...e run as needed 9 3 2 SYSTEM INFORMATION Displays the current system information software version information Indicator Software Scanner Software System Number Boot DSP MC DSP V Test Bench 9 3 3 SYSTEM TIME Displays the following system time information Scanner Transmit Time Scanner Motor Time Scanner Running Time Indicator Running Time ...

Page 157: ...ollowing hardware information Serial Number 9 3 6 ERROR LOG The error log displays previously occurred system alarms with the dates and times when they occurred 9 3 7 LINE MONITOR Serial communication data can be seen on the built in Line monitor Line monitor can be used to make sure that the serial data are received properly 9 3 8 SELF TEST The following tests can be performed Key Test Buzzer Tes...

Page 158: ... nnector J1 o ompletely c mponents ca d off and c r connector the main p y result in e netrons ma for more th y result in e your watch y result in d oltage temp ff y result in e OR PAR t The parts lure etic waves a n it is nece urposes m Y work make of the displ cut off an carry ele conducting r may resul ower befor electrocutio ake sure to s an 5 minute electrocutio h when your damage to t porari...

Page 159: ...scr m Canno alarm m The B m The BZ m The hi data is m No rep m Collisio Check m Stored adjust The sa reques m The M is set m The V m The TR Ch RIODIC INTE 4 10 orks interval place the ear nsumed omes difficu stop markably sh LAY LIS he alarm me the suitable e system di ription ot send the ala task P error bit of s Z error bit of s gh voltage mo s set ply from the sc on occurs whe ksum of the re d ...

Page 160: ...osition data which had been received properly D015 GPS Datum Alarm Cannot receive valid geodetic data which had been received properly D016 GPS Speed Alarm For Speed equipment GPS cannot receive valid speed data which bad been received properly D017 GPS Status Alarm Received GPS fixing status error invalid data D018 Depth Time Out Alarm Cannot receive valid depth sentences including checksum error...

Page 161: ...s received ALR D043 AIS Alarm035 Alarm For AIS function ON an error from the AIS receiver is received ALR D044 Set Gyro Status Requires setting of true bearing D045 DSP Video Alarm DSP detects VIDEO error D046 DSP Trigger Alarm DSP cannot receive TI interrupt D047 DSP AZI Alarm DSP cannot receive BP interrupt D048 DSP HL Alarm DSP cannot receive BZ interrupt D049 DSP Error Alarm Abnormal operation...

Page 162: ...the number of the file has reached to the maximum File Erase Error Caution Failed to delete the file TT Max Target Status Manually acquired when the number of acquisition reached maximum Detected when DSP tries to acquire 11 targets or more DSP notifies the maximum target alarm occurrence of automatic acquisition tot the TT process task then the TT process task notifies it to the alarm task Range ...

Page 163: ...de Manufacture NKE 1066 V101 Magnetron M1624 5VMAA00120 New JRC NKE 2044 V101 Magnetron MSF1421B 5VMAA00092 New JRC NKE 2044 A101 Circulator FCX68R 5AJIX00027 Orient Microwave NKE 2044 A102 Diode Limiter NJS6930 5ATBT00006 New JRC 9 6 2 CIRCUIT BLOCK TO BE REPAIRED JMA 1032 Location Circuit Block Type Remarks Scanner Motor unit H 7BDRD0053 Scanner Transmitter receiver Microwave unit NZT 1066 Inclu...

Page 164: ...any failure is caused due to misuse faulty operation negligence or force major such as natural disaster and fire the product will be repaired with charges Repair after the Warranty Period If any defective function of the product is recoverable by repair the repair of it will be made at your own charge upon your request Necessary Information for Repair Product name model manufacturing date and seri...

Page 165: ...Chapter 10 AFTER SALE SERVICE 131 10 4 RADAR FAILURE CHECK LIST JMA ...

Page 166: ...laws and regulations for the place of disposal 11 2 DISPOSAL OF USED MAGNETRON A magnetron is used for the scanner NKE 1066 and NKE 2044 When the magnetron is replaced with a new one return the used magnetron to our dealer or business office For detail consult with our dealer or business office 11 3 CHINA ROHS JMA 1030 Series ...

Page 167: ...Chapter 12 SPECIFICATIONS 133 Chapter 12 SPECIFICATIONS ...

Page 168: ...134 Chapter 12 SPECIFICATIONS 12 1 SCANNER DIMENSION 12 1 1 NKE 1066 4 φ40 RUBBER PLATE ...

Page 169: ...Chapter 12 SPECIFICATIONS 135 12 1 2 NKE 2044 ...

Page 170: ...136 Chapter 12 SPECIFICATIONS 12 2 DISPLAY DIMENSION 12 2 1 NCD 2256 ...

Page 171: ...Chapter 12 SPECIFICATIONS 137 ...

Page 172: ...r resistance film type The operation can be realized intuitive and simple 12 3 1 CONFIGULATION 1 Display unit NCD 2256 Integrated the 7 inch wide VGA color LCD Monitor unit Keyboard unit and Processing unit 2 Scanner unit X band 1 5ft 4kW radome type is NKE 1066 X band 2ft 4kW radome type is NKE 2044 12 3 2 FEATURE 1 The screen resolution is 800x480dots WVGA The LCD monitor unit with touch sensor ...

Page 173: ... Accuracy Less than 1 10 Bearing Indication RM Head up North up Course up TM North up Course up 11 Ambient Condition Standards IEC60945 Ed 4 0 Temperature Scanner Operation 25 to 55 C Storage 25 to 70 C Other Unit except Scanner Operation 15 to 55 C Storage 15 to 70 C Relative Humidity 40 C 93 Vibration 2 to 13 2 Hz amplitude 1mm 13 2 to 100 Hz 0 7 G Velocity of the wind 100kn Waterproof dustproof...

Page 174: ...ube Magnetron M1624 9 Pulse width Repetition Frequency Bandwidth SP1 0 08μs 4000 Hz Wide 20MHz SP2 0 08μs 2250 Hz Wide 20MHz SP3 0 13μs 1700 Hz Wide 20MHz MP1 0 25μs 1700 Hz Middle 6MHz MP2 0 5μs 1200 Hz Narrow 3MHz LP1 0 8μs 750 Hz Narrow3 MHz S Short pulse M Middle pulse L Long pulse 10 Range Information 0 0625NM SP1 0 125NM SP1 0 25 NM SP1 0 5 NM SP1 MP1 0 75 NM SP2 MP1 1 5 NM SP2 MP1 MP2 3 NM ...

Page 175: ...tron MSF1421B 9 Pulse width Repetition Frequency Bandwidth SP1 0 08μs 4000 Hz Wide 20MHz SP2 0 08μs 2250 Hz Wide 20MHz SP3 0 13μs 1700 Hz Wide 20MHz MP1 0 25μs 1700 Hz Middle 6MHz MP2 0 5μs 1200 Hz Narrow 3MHz LP1 0 8μs 750 Hz Narrow 3MHz LP2 1 0us 650Hz Narrow 3MHZ S Short pulse M Middle pulse L Long pulse 10 Range Information 0 0625NM SP1 0 125NM SP1 0 25 NM SP1 0 5 NM SP1 MP1 0 75 NM SP2 MP1 1 ...

Page 176: ...ft side 92dots front side 92dots right side 92dots from the default center position Transition of the radar trails is possible during Off Center mode 11 True Motion Unit Built in Not available at the maximum range 12 True Motion Reset Position 40 of radius of any range 13 Radar trail indication True motion mode Only true motion trails Relative motion mode True or relative motion trails Trail time ...

Page 177: ...e 5 colors White Green Orange Black Red 18 Simulator Built in 19 Multiple languages English Spanish Turkish Indonesian Thai Malay Vietnamese Chinese Russian Korean Japanese Other one optional language 20 Range Unit NM km sm 21 Navigation information during STBY Built in 22 AIS information display List display Call sign Ship name On PPI Can display AIS mark with ship name 23 Waypoint display One ma...

Page 178: ...Maximum tracking range 20NM This varies depending on the range Target information Displays items are true bearing distance true course and true speed Display of Vectors True Relative 4 Operation Built in 12 7 INPUT OUTPUT SIGNAL 12 7 1 INPUT ENABLE SIGNAL 1 Navigation equipment IEC61162 1 2 1 L L GGA RMC RMA GNS GLL SOG COG RMC RMA VTG Log speed VBW VHW HEADING THS HDT HDG HDM DEPTH DPT DBT WATER ...

Page 179: ...nal kit NQA 2447 is necessary In this case water and dust proofing IP55 of rear side of display unit is not guaranteed 4 Slave display output no function 5 LAN no function 12 7 3 STANDARD CONFIGURATION Scanner 1unit Display Unit 1unit Sun cover 1unit Installation cable 1pc 10m Power cable 1pc 2m Appended parts 2pcs fuse Instruction manual 1 book Including Installation manual and Quick manual 12 7 ...






Page 185: ...APPENDIX A 6 MEMO ...

Page 186: ...D EBL OFF CENTER MODE COAST MODE OFF MODE FLOAT TT ST BY DAY MODE RIVER TT ACTIV AIS SLEEP NIGHT SEA MARK MENU TX STBY USER2 At first please display icon menu 1 line icon menu flick up onto the display panel All icon menu after the 1 line icon menu display flick up onto the display panel When the brightness is dark Turning while pressing the rotary knob When you want to erase the EBL VRM Cursor Do...

Page 187: ... Trails Interval Short OFF 15sec 30sec 1min 2min 3min 4min 5min 6min 10min 15min CONT Middle OFF 30sec 1min 2min 3min 4min 5min 6min 10min 15min 30min CONT Long OFF 1min 2min 3min 4min 5min 6min 10min 15min 30min 1hour CONT Super Long OFF 30min 1hour 2hour 3hour 4hour 5hour 6hour 10hour 12hour 24hour CONT 5 Vector Length 1 Vector Mode True Relative 2 Vector Length 1 60min 6 Marker 1 Maker Mode Tru...

Page 188: ...evel1 Level2 Level3 Level4 2 RADAR Alarm2 Level Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4 3 RADAR Trails 1 MAX Interval Short Middle Long Super Long 2 Suppression Distance 0 1000 4 TT 1 Vector Constant 1 8 2 Gate Display OFF ON 3 Gate Size 0 64 5 Scanner 1 PRF Fine Tuning 0 31 2 Stagger Trigger OFF ON 3 Antenna Rotation Speed 1 SP1 0 7 2 SP2 0 7 3 SP3 0 7 4 MP1 0 7 5 MP2 0 7 6 LP1 0 7 7 LP2 NKE 2044 NL only 0 7...

Page 189: ...NMEA2 NMEA3 13 RSD OFF NMEA1 NMEA2 NMEA3 4 TX Data Format 1 TX Interval 1 9sec 2 NMEA Version V1 5 V2 0 V2 3 3 NMEA Talker Normal GP 5 Target Info TX 1 TX Target TT AIS TT AIS 2 TTM Range Accuracy 1 2 3 3 TT Average Mode OFF ON 4 TT Average Scan 2 10 8 JRC GPS 1 GPS Status 2 GPS Setting 1 NMEA Version AUTO V1 5 V2 0 V2 3 2 Correction Method GPS Single SBAS Beacon AUTO 3 Fix Mode 2D 3D AUTO 4 Eleva...

Page 190: ...Reset 1 All Menu 2 RADAR Echo 3 Initial Setting Menu 4 Main Menu 2 All Reset 3 System Time Clear 4 Scanner Time Clear 1 TX Time Clear 2 Motor Time Clear 3 ANT to DISP Unit 4 DISP to ANT Unit 5 Table Update 1 Initial Value 1 All Menu 2 RADAR Echo 3 Initial Setting Menu 4 Main Menu 2 Insert Language 3 STC Curve 6 Internal Setting 1 Internal Memory to USB 1 All Menu 2 RADAR Echo 3 Initial Setting Men...

Page 191: ...N 7 16km OFF ON 8 32km OFF ON 3 sm 1 0 0625sm OFF ON 2 0 125sm OFF ON 3 0 25sm OFF ON 4 1sm OFF ON 5 2sm OFF ON 6 4sm OFF ON 7 8sm OFF ON 8 16sm OFF ON 9 24sm OFF ON 10 32sm NKE 2044 NL only OFF ON 11 48sm NKE 2044 NL only OFF ON 12 Display Screen 1 Own Vector Display OFF ON 2 STBY Disp Select Normal Graphical Numeric 3 Operation Num Disp OFF ON 4 Display Color 1 PPI 1 Color Black Blue White 2 Bri...

Page 192: ...Scanner 1 Scanner Time Out 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 999sec 2 Scanner Data 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 999sec 3 Scanner Video 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 999sec 4 Scanner Trigger 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 999sec 5 Scanner AZI 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 999sec 6 Scanner HL 1 Alarm Sensitivity OF...

Page 193: ...ity Time 0 999sec 8 Wind 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 999sec 9 Rate of Turn 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 999sec 10 Rudder 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 999sec 11 WPT 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 999sec 12 LAT LON 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 999sec 13 Datum 1 Alarm Sensitivity OFF ON 2 Sensitivity Time 0 ...

Page 194: ... 7 Self Test 1 Key Test 2 Touch Panel Test 3 Buzzer Test 4 Key Light Test 5 Monitor Display Test 1 Pattern1 2 Pattern2 3 Pattern3 4 Pattern4 5 Pattern5 6 Pattern6 7 Pattern7 8 RGB Setting 1 Red 2 Green 3 Blue 4 Display 6 Memory Test 1 SDRAM 2 Flash ROM 3 USB 7 Line Test 1 Scanner 2 NMEA1 or GPS JRC 3 NMEA2 4 NMEA3 or NSK 8 Scanner Test 1 SSW Off 2 BP 3 BZ 4 Mod HV 5 Trigger 6 Video ...


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Page 198: ...Branch Telephone Facsimile e mail 31 20 658 0750 31 20 658 0755 service jrceurope com SEATTLE Branch Telephone Facsimile e mail 1 206 654 5644 1 206 654 7030 marineservice jrcamerica com CODE No 7ZPRD0895 CODE No 7ZPRD0895 JUN 2014 Edition 3 JRC JUN 2014 Edition 3 JRC Not use the asbestos For further information contact URL http www jrc co jp ...
