Neckstrap Attachment
Frequency Notes/Aircraft Only Frequencies
Base Loaded Antenna
The XP9303 transmitter employs a plug-in module for
the transmitter. Per FCC regulation, the transmitter crystal
in the module should only be changed by a certified
technician. Changing of the transmitter crystal by a non-
authorized technician could result in a violation of FCC
The XP9303 can transmit in either Pulse Code Modulation
(SPCM) or Pulse Position Modulation (PPM, commonly
referred to as FM).
Be certain to observe the following guidelines:
An eyelet is provided on the face of the XP9303
transmitter that allows you to connect a Neck Strap
(JRPA023). This hook has been positioned so that your
transmitter has the best possible balance when you use
the neck strap.
An optional base-loaded antenna is available for use with
the XP9303 transmitter. It is considerably shorter than
the standard antenna. However, the base loaded antenna
cannot be collapsed for storage inside the transmitter. You
must also use an adapter (JRPA156) to attach the antenna
to your XP9303. The Base Loaded Antenna (JRPA155) is
made of a flexible coil and is covered with a soft plastic
material. Your range will not be affected when using the
base loaded antenna.
Do not operate your transmitter when another transmitter
is using the same frequency, regardless of whether the
second transmitter is PCM, PPM (FM) or AM. You can
never operate two transmitters on the same frequency
simultaneously without causing interference.
Aircraft-Only Frequencies
JR® Transmitters and receivers are available in 72MHz
frequencies in the United States for use with model
aircraft. Employing 72MHz frequencies does not
require a special operator’s license from the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC).
• A chart for all available frequencies is located on
page I-3 of this manual.