ARA-1 Operations Manual
The PBX conferencing function, with multiple radio/ARA-1 pairs, provides
network-based interoperability between disparate radio systems. For example,
an 800 MHz trunked radio can be conferenced together with a P25 digital radio
and a VHF conventional radio.
Operation Outside of a SIP PBX
The ARA-1 can also be used without a SIP PBX, but without the features provided by the PBX,
so that only one-to-one connections are possible. Three variations are illustrated in Figure 1-3.
The network employed can be any type of IP-based network, including the Internet.
Figure 1-3
Examples of ARA-1 Use Over Internet
The first setup in Figure 1-3 shows a connection between a SIP Phone and a radio. Without the
extensions provided by the PBX, the SIP Phone “dials” the IP address of the ARA-1. See Section
1.6 for an overview of how to initiate connections via the ARA-1 rather than by the SIP Phone.
The radio shown in the first illustration in Figure 1-3 may be set as
“receive-only” and used to monitor information and pass it over the network. For
example, it may be receiving local weather or traffic reports or scanning
frequencies set aside for public safety use.