Pascalstr. 8 47506 Neukirchen
Main Page Style setting
You can press 'SHIFT' + '0' to enter the system setting menu and then press the right
button to enter the main page style setting menu as shown above. Press ENTER and
then use the direction button to set classic style or curve style. The pattern in red is
the style be chosen. The classic style is the system default style and the large font
shows the voltage, current and power. The curve style is, as shown above, the colour
of the three curves corresponds to the output voltage, current and power. D is the
scale of the value, Press 'ENTER' to start or pause the curve and the rotary encoder to
scale the values of the curve.
Storage Data Setting
You can press 'SHIFT' + '0' to enter the system setting menu, then press the right but-
ton twice to enter the data storage setting menu as shown below, press ENTER to
enter the setting menu, the icon in red is the chosen data group, press the direction
button to select data group number. Press 'I
SET' button to set the storage output
current value, then rotate the encoder to adjust the output value, press the direction
button to move the cursor. You can also set the value with keypad, press ENTER to
confirm. If you set the wrong value, you can press the encoder potentiometer to can-
cel. Press 'V
SET' button to set the storage output voltage value, the operation meth-
od is similar to storage output current setting. Press 'SHIFT'+
SET' button or
SET' button to set the storage overcurrent protection/ storage overvolt-
age protection value. The operation method is similar to storage output current val-
ue setting. Press the Encoder Potentiometer to return and the data will be automati-
cally saved.
System Information
You can press 'SHIFT' + '0' to enter the system setting menu, then press the right but-
ton three times to enter the system information menu as shown above. You can view
the SN number, firmware version and system temperature here.