2004 JoTiKa Ltd.
The Quarterdeck Bulkhead
The quarterdeck bulkhead assembly is vitally important to the overall aesthetics of the model and as such you should take your
time, read this entire section carefully before progressing and check, re-check and check again all measurements before cutting
anything, particularly the bulkhead panels. The slots in the curved pillars are only 0.75mm deep and 1mm wide so any errors in
the shaping of the bulkhead panels will show. All components should be dry fitted only until you are confident of their
positioning relative to the surrounding components.
Each of the curved pillars are identical and can be used in any position.
Identify and remove the curved pillars (159) from the 1.5mm walnut sheet. Also, identify and remove the false bulkhead (15)
from the 5mm ply sheet. This bulkhead will fit into position across the keel and behind bulkhead seven, butting up against the
keel upright at this position as shown on
Plan Sheet 1
Glue together the pairs of curved pillars, to form 6 complete curved pillars. Ensure that the grooves face outboard to accept the
bulkhead panels at a later stage and that once glued together, the pairs are perfectly aligned to one another with no lips. If there
are any overlaps, ‘lips’, it will be impossible to fit the screens into position in a straight line between the bulwarks.
Temporarily fix the false bulkhead into position, you should support this bulkhead to ensure that it remains square across the
hull and that the outer edges are equidistant to the inner bulwarks. Dry fit the curved pillars between this false bulkhead and
bulkhead seven, the deck planking will need to be trimmed to fit to the curved pillars at this stage. Take care that each pillar is
running parallel to its neighbouring pillars and that they are all parallel to the keel, fore and aft, and that they are all vertical.
Any alteration required to do this should only be done by gently manipulating the orientation of the false bulkhead, no
trimming or shaping is required.
When you are happy with the fit and the trimming of the deck planking, identify and remove the two outer screen panels (205)
from the 0.8mm ply sheet. This phase of construction will require the removal of the outermost curved pillars. With the curved
pillars removed, the outer edges of the screen panels should be cut to fit against the inner bulwark when positioned in the pre-
profiled groove. You should continue to remove material from the outside edge until it is possible to re-position the outer
curved pillars, by sliding the groove in the curved pillar down over the inner edge of the outer screen, the lower edge of the
screen should also fit flush against the deck planking.
When you are satisfied with the fit of the outer screens, the remaining screen panels (202-204) can be identified, removed from
the 0.8mm ply sheet and fitted into their respective curved pillar slots. Light sanding may be required until a perfect fit is
No components have been permanently fitted at this stage.
When you are happy with the fit of each component, the centre (202), second (203) and third (204) screen panels can be
removed and put to one side (after marking each one to ensure it can be re-fitted in the correct slot at a later stage). This will
leave just the outer screens, the curved pillars and the false bulkhead dry fitted in place.
Remove the outer curved pillars and the outer screens and paint the forward face of the outer screen French blue. When the
painting has been completed and allowed to dry thoroughly, the outer screens can be re-positioned along with the outer curved
pillars. After checking for fit again,
of the curved pillars, the false bulkhead and the
outer screens
can be finally fitted
and glued into position. With the assembly thoroughly dry, a length of 0.5x3mm walnut should be glued to the front edge of
each pillar, from flush to the deck to flush with the top edge. When the whole assembly has dried thoroughly, carefully sand
off any high spots along the top edges to allow the ply quarterdeck, when fitted at a later stage, to sit flush on top of the
assembly, while retaining the in-built camber (
Photo 020
, note that the screens are only temporarily fitted in this photo).
The curved pillars are not painted but will be varnished to seal, bear in mind that after varnishing, the fit of each screen
may need to be re-confirmed.
The decoration of the remaining bulkhead screens (203, 204 & 205) is applied next. After much testing, a very specific method
of fitting the decals (289) has been found that will show off the decoration, as if it were hand painted, and eliminate any sheen
reflection usually associated with decals. This is done as follows:
Start by painting the five remaining screens French blue, sand and repeat until a smooth surface is attained.
The decals should now be cut out oversized, the curved line marked on the bottom of each decal denotes the
bottom edge of the screen and should be adhered to by trimming the bottom edge until the line itself has just been
Each decal should now be dry fitted, do not remove the backing, against its corresponding screen panel (
), aligning the bottom edge of the decal to the bottom edge of the screen. With these edges aligned, the sides
and top of the decal should be trimmed to precisely fit the screen.
The back of the decal has a tacky film to it (once the backing has been removed). With the backing removed, the
back of the decal should also be painted French blue, directly onto the tacky film. Coat as required to achieve an
even covering.
When both screen and decal paints are thoroughly dried, the decal is glued to the screen with PVA.
The four hinges of the cabin doors (237) can also now be painted matt (metal) black and glued to the corresponding screen as
shown on
Plan Sheet 9, ‘Section through bulkhead 7’
, using PVA glue. With the screens completed they can each be secured
into place in the curved pillars, again using PVA brushed onto the after face and pillar supports when in position (
Photo 021
PVA glue only should be used; super glue / cyanoacrylate will cause discoloration of the decals.