Josephson c715 User Manual Download Page 4


phase anomalies (which can lead to harshness and other unpleasant 
sounds in the pickup).  Maintaining acoustical transparency around 
the capsule is important in achieving the sonic clarity that is this mic’s 

Pattern Control 



The directional pattern of the C715 is adjusted using a mechanical 
vent that, when open, provides the additional acoustical port needed 
to produce a cardioid polar pattern from half pressure and half 
pressure-gradient operation. When the vent is closed, the 
microphone is omnidirectional. The vent is adjusted by turning the 
pattern control screw, which is accessible through a port in the rear 
of the grille. A special screwdriver is provided. 



Pattern control port, as shown from back of microphone. 
Turning the screw clockwise closes the vent (omni) while turning 
counterclockwise opens it (cardioid). These patterns are marked on 
the control port. 
Although the adjustment screw is provided to adjust the acoustical 
circuit, it is also part of the electrical circuit of the microphone. 
Touching it with a screwdriver will produce a very high level signal 
at the microphone output.  

Adjust the microphone pattern ONLY when the 
microphone is disconnected, powered off, or its 
output is muted.  


While it won’t damage the microphone, if you adjust the microphone 
pattern while the output is active, you risk damaging your hearing 
and any monitor speakers or headphones that might be connected to 
your equipment.  

About Directional Patterns 

The C715 achieves its directional response by subtracting sound that 
comes from the back, from the sound entering the front of the 
capsule. This allows us to tune a “null” toward the rear, and the 
response to sounds arriving from the back may be reduced 20 dB or 
more from response to sounds coming from other directions. The 
C715 allows the traditional omni and cardioid patterns to be 
selected repeatably, and with some care, it is possible to set the 
pattern control vent to produce “wide” or “subcardioid” patterns. 
However, the range from omni (full clockwise) to cardioid 
(counterclockwise 90 degrees to the stop) is not linear; subcardioid 
is achieved with the adjustment vent just slightly counterclockwise 
from omni (fully closed), and results for intermediate patterns are not 
easily repeatable from microphone to microphone or if the 
adjustment is moved. 

About the C715 Circuit


Like most Josephson microphones, the C715 uses an all-discrete 
class-A circuit to transform the high impedance of the capsule to a 
suitable level for interface with mic preamps and consoles. A 
cascode FET stage directly drives a special Lundahl output 
transformer, which uses a high permeability nickel alloy core 
material. The result is a much higher overload point, even when the 
mic is driving long cables. This also means that the output level is 
much lower than with many modern condenser microphones. High 
output level can overload preamps and mixers when used close to 
loud sound sources, so we have chosen to set the sensitivity of the 
C715 to work well with a wide range of sound sources and with a 
variety of preamps and other equipment. 
The internal power supply of the C715 uses a new electrostatic 
circuit that provides capsule polarization charge without the use of 
oscillators or external power supplies.  
