For decades, the voltage controlled slew limiter
has been a staple of modular synthesisers. With
its extreme versatility, it can be used to slew
control voltages (CVs), create envelopes, as a low-
frequency or audio oscillator and much more.
Today, Contour 1 brings a fresh approach to this
classic circuit. It delivers much improved
performance and control by incorporating
modern design techniques.
At its most basic, a slew limiter slows down the
rate of voltage change in a signal. On Contour 1,
the rising and falling rates can be individually set
using sliders and CV modulation.
The gate and trigger inputs allow the module to
be used as a function generator: create snappy
attack-release (AR) and attack-decay (AD)
envelopes, with slope times ranging from 500 µs
to 30 seconds. The dedicated gate input makes
it easy to generate +10 V envelopes from any
signal source. Using the large tactile push button,
AD envelopes can be manually triggered. A
trigger will also reset the output voltage.
When set to loop mode, Contour 1 will
continually re-trigger itself. In this mode, it fulfils
the role of a variable-shape low-frequency
oscillator (LFO) or temperature-stable voltage
controlled oscillator (VCO) in the audio range.
Both the rising and falling slopes can be
individually bent, from concave through linear to
convex. While doing so, the deviation in slope
time, and thus oscillation frequency, is kept to a
minimum. Since the bend parameters are
separately voltage controllable, boundless
modulation possibilities present themselves.
Explore anything from shape-shifting envelopes
to rich VCO timbres: Contour 1 will make you re-
think what a slew limiter can do.
In the Contour 1 box, you’ll find:
Product card, stating serial number and
production batch.
16-to-10-pin Eurorack power cable.
Mounting hardware: two black M3 x 6 mm
hex screws, two black nylon washers and a
hex key.
The Contour 1 module itself, in a protective
cotton bag.
If any of these items are missing, please contact
your dealer or [email protected].