background image




Top end of cylinder

Automatic Capsule underneath




2. Re-Arm

3. Re-Pack




a) Deflate the Horseshoe fully through the oral 
WARNING: Do not use a high pressure vacuum 
to deflate as this will damage the valve.
b) Unscrew the old Cylinder.
c) Re-arm the Operating Head and replace the 
Automatic Capsule.
d) Fit the new Cylinder (38gram only).
e) The Horseshoe is now ready to pack into it’s 

a) With the Automatic Inflation 
system on the table, fold the 
Horseshoe in half with the Oral 
Inflation tube inside.

Oral Inflation 
tube inside.

b) Fold the inner side of the 
Horseshoe over on top to align 
with the outer periphery.
c) Stow the Drogue Line inside the 

Stow the Drogue Line inside 
the Drogue

d) Fold the bottom of the 
Horseshoe up 20mm above the 
end of the Automatic Capsule.

e) Fold the top of the Horseshoe 
over twice so that it aligns with 
the lower fold and the top end of 
the cylinder.

f) Place the folded Horseshoe on top of the 
pouch. The Inflation System is to be central 
and the Automatic Capsule at the opposite 
end to the handle. The Capsule is to be free 
of obstructions and must protrude from the 

g) Fold the Drogue and place on top of the 
folded Horseshoe

h) Attach the pouch retaining line 
to the pouch handle using a 
Bowline Knot. Stow any excess line 
inside the pouch.

i) Bring both sides of the pouch 
around the Horseshoe, Drogue 
and attach the Velcro.

