©2011 Johnson Level & Tool
Communication Format
All data is sent in ASCII. When communication is on, vertical angle
and horizontal angle are sent in turns with 4Hz frequency.
All angle data sent begins with the letter “A” (angle), and finish with
the enter key (OXOD). Their form is as follows:
A + Angle Type Cha Display Mode Cha Angle
Value + 0X0D
Angle Type Character
“P” – Vertical Angle
“H” – Horizontal Angle
Display Mode Character
“D” – Angle In Degree (360°„)
“G” – Angle In Gon (400 Gon)
“M” – Angle In Mil (6400 Mil)
“%”– Slope Angle (-100% ~ +100%)
The transmission angle value keeps consistent with the display value
on the LCD.
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