©2014 Johnson Level & Tool - Rev. 3
Self-Check & Fine Calibration
It is the responsibility of the user to verify the
calibration of the instrument before each use.
1. Set the laser on a level flat head tripod centered between two
walls (marked 1 & 2) approximately 15 feet apart. (See fig. 1).
2. Point the laser directly at wall 1. Turn the laser on and mark
the intersection of the beams as point A.
3. Turn the laser 180 degrees so that the laser is pointed directly
at wall 2. Turn the laser and mark the intersection of the
beams as point B.
4. Move the laser and the tripod so the laser is positioned
approximately 2 feet away from wall 1 (see fig. 2). Level the
tripod and position the laser on the tripod facing wall 1. Turn the
laser on and mark the intersection of the beams as point C.
5. Turn the laser off and rotate the laser 180 degrees so that it is
facing directly to wall 2.
6. Turn on the laser and mark the
intersection of the beams as point D.
7. Measure the distance between
points A & C.
8. Measure the distance between
points B & D.
9. If the difference between points
A & C and points B & D are less
than 1/16", your laser is within
its tolerance.
Wall 1
Wall 2
Fig 1
Fig 2
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