Model ESFR-25
25.2 K-factor Pendent Sprinkler
Early Suppression, Fast Response
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MARCH 2020
Refer to Technical Data Sheet
TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to
regulatory and health information.
Always refer to Technical Data
Sheet TFP700 for the “INSTALLER
WARNING” that provides cautions
with respect to handling and instal-
lation of sprinkler systems and com-
ponents. Improper handling and
installation can permanently damage
a sprinkler system or its compo-
nents and cause the sprinkler to fail
to operate in a fire situation or cause
it to operate prematurely.
to obtain complete installation guide-
lines. The general guidelines in this
data sheet are not intended to provide
complete installation criteria.
Number (SIN)
See Table A for sprinkler identification
UL and C-UL Listed
FM Approved
VdS Approved
NYC Approved under MEA 356-01-E
LPCB Certified (Cert. Nos. 094b and 007l)
CE Certified (Certificate of Conformity
Natural Brass
Physical Characteristics
Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brass
Deflector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bronze
Compression Screw . . . . . . . . . . Stainless Steel
Hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONEL
Strut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MONEL
Link Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solder, Nickel
Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brass
Sealing Assembly . . Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON
Ejection Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INCONEL
Additional Technical Data
See Table A for additional technical
substantially lower-end head pres-
sures, as compared to ESFR Sprinklers
having nominal K-factors of 14.0 and
16.8. This feature offers flexibility when
sizing system piping, as well as possi-
bly reducing or eliminating the need for
a system fire pump.
Also, Model ESFR-25 Sprinklers permit
use of a maximum deflector-to-ceiling
distance of 18 in. (460 mm) versus 14
in. (356 mm). Additionally, a storage
arrangement of 40 ft (12,2 m) with a
ceiling height of 45 ft (13,7 m) does not
require in-rack sprinklers as do other
ESFR Sprinklers having nominal K-fac-
tors of 14.0 and 16.8.
The Model ESFR-25 Sprinklers are
listed by Underwriters Laboratories
(UL) for specific applications with
a maximum storage height of 43 ft
(13,1 m) with a maximum ceiling height
of 48 ft (14,6 m) without the require-
ment for in-rack sprinklers. Refer to the
Specific Application Listing (UL) for the
design criteria.
Applications for the TYCO ESFR Sprin-
klers are expanding beyond currently
recognized installation standards. For
information on research fire tests, such
as with flammable liquids and aerosols,
that may be acceptable to an author-
ity having jurisdiction, contact Techni-
cal Services.
The Model ESFR-25 Sprinklers
described herein must be installed
and maintained in compliance with this
document, as well as with the applica-
ble standards of the National Fire Pro-
tection Association (NFPA), in addition
to the standards of any authorities
having jurisdiction, such as FM Global.
Failure to do so may impair the perfor-
mance of these devices.
The owner is responsible for main-
taining their fire protection system
and devices in proper operating con-
dition. Contact the installing contrac-
tor or product manufacturer with any
In all cases, the appropriate NFPA or
FM Global installation standard, or
other applicable standard, must be
referenced to ensure applicability and
TYCO Model ESFR-25 Pendent Sprin-
klers are Early Suppression, Fast
Response (ESFR) sprinklers having a
nominal K-factor of 25.2 (see Figure 1).
They are suppression-mode sprinklers
that are especially advantageous as a
means of eliminating the use of in-rack
sprinklers when protecting high-piled
The Model ESFR-25 Sprinklers are pri-
marily used for ceiling-only sprinkler
protection of, but not limited to, the fol-
lowing storage applications:
• most encapsulated or non-encap-
sulated common materials including
cartoned, unexpanded plastics
• uncartoned (exposed) expanded
plastics in accordance with NFPA 13
and FM Global standards
• some storage arrangements of rub-
ber tires, roll paper, flammable liq-
uids, aerosols, and automotive
For more specific criteria, see Table
B as well as the applicable design
The Model ESFR-25 Pendent Sprin-
klers provide the system designer
with hydraulic and sprinkler place-
ment options not presently available to
the traditional ESFR sprinklers having
nominal K-factors of 14.0 and 16.8. In
particular, the Model ESFR-25 Sprin-
kler has been designed to operate at