Operating manual - SAB 120-151 A-frame (including ATEX)
008668 en 2019.08
Failure to properly adjust this valve can lead to excessive noise and vibration of
the compressor and unit, premature failure of the bearings, liquid loading of the
rotors, liquid starvation of the rotors and catastrophic failure of the compressor.
Normal start-up procedure
Normal start-up procedure
Check/perform the
Preparations before start-up
Confirm that the system conditions permit the compressor to start.
Press the start button.
Allow the compressor to start up and stabilise.
Observe the compressor unit for mechanical tightness of the external piping, bolts and
Ensure that the unit is clean from oil and refrigerant leaks. If not satisfactory: shut down
the compressor, and correct the problem using proper safety precautions.
Restarting the compressor unit after control power interruption (plant power failure)
Check variable set points.
Follow normal start-up procedure.
Stopping routine
Brief stop
The compressor can be stopped at any capacity setting. However, under normal conditions it is
recommended to reduce the capacity to a minimum before stopping the compressor.
Leave all valves in their “in-operation positions”. Do not turn off the power to the screw compres-
sor unit as the oil heater must be connected to keep the correct oil temperature.
Shutting down for a long period
Follow the
Brief stop
instructions and:
Disconnect oil heater
Close suction and discharge valve
(and liquid line for ECO and liquid injection) (optional)
To perform servicing and repair work, the necessary valves must be closed.
To reduce the risk of bearing damage, it is recommended to rotate (to a new position) the motor
and compressor on a monthly basis. If the screw compressor unit is exposed to vibrations during
a long shutdown period, the interval should be changed to weekly.
Avoid high vibration level.
Long-term storage
Long-term storage (6 months to 5 years) provisions are required, regardless of the storage envi-
ronment, if start-up and/or useful operation does not take place within six (6) months of equip-
ment shipment. Special provisions may be required for storage of less than six (6) months if the
storage area is subject to unusual environments such as high humidity, large temperature
changes or dusty atmosphere.