Installation Instructions M9216
Issue Date October 2017
© 2017 Johnson Controls
Part No. 34-636-461, Rev. J
M9216 Series Electric Spring Return Actuators
The M9216 Series actuator is
intended to control equipment under normal
operating conditions. Where failure or malfunction of
an M9216 actuator could lead to an abnormal
operating condition that could cause personal injury
or damage to the equipment or other property, other
devices (limit or safety controls) or systems (alarm or
supervisory) intended to warn of, or protect against,
failure or malfunction of an M9216 actuator must be
incorporated into and maintained as part of the
control system.
Parts Included
M9216 actuator
M9000-100 NPT conduit adaptor and nut
(two included for actuators with switches or a
feedback potentiometer)
M9000-160 anti-rotation bracket
two No. 12-24 x 1/2 in. self-tapping hex
washer-head screws
5 mm manual crank
For GGA models:
one M9000-106 pluggable 4-terminal block
For GGC models:
two M9000-105 pluggable 3-terminal blocks
one M9000-106 pluggable 4-terminal block
Special Tools Needed
Drill with a 3/16 in. (No. 15, 4.57 mm) drill bit
Torque wrench with 10 mm socket
7 mm and 5/16 in. (8 mm) nut driver
Digital voltmeter
Spring Return Direction
The actuator is factory set to spring return in a
Counterclockwise (CCW) direction.
Clockwise (CW)
To change the spring return direction to CW, refer to
Figure 1 and proceed as follows:
1. Turn the actuator over. Use a flat-blade
screwdriver to release the locking clip, and remove
it from the coupler.
2. Remove the coupler and sleeve from the front of
the actuator, and slide the sleeve off the coupler.
for the
Locking Clip
Back of
the Actuator
Figure 1: Changing the Spring Return Direction
34-636-461, Rev. J