and those for motion sickness, may cause dryness of the eye, increased lens awareness or blurred
vision. Should such conditions exist, proper remedial measures should be prescribed. Depending on
the severity, this could include the use of lubricating drops that are indicated for use with soft contact
lenses or the temporary discontinuance of contact lens wear while such medication is being used.
Oral contraceptive users could develop visual changes or changes in lens tolerance when using con-
tact lenses.
As with any contact lens, follow-up visits are necessary to assure the continuing health of your eyes.
A D V E R S E R E A C T I O N S ( P R O B L E M S A N D W H A T T O D O )
The following problems may occur when wearing contact lenses:
Your eye may burn, sting and/or itch.
There may be less comfort than when the lens was first placed on your eye.
There may be a feeling of something in your eye (foreign body, scratched area).
There may be the potential for some temporary impairment due to peripheral infiltrates, peripheral
corneal ulcers and corneal erosion. There may be the potential for other physiological observations,
such as local or generalized edema, corneal neovascularization, corneal staining, injection, tarsal
abnormalities, iritis and conjunctivitis, some of which are clinically acceptable in low amounts.
There may be excessive watering, unusual eye secretions or redness of your eye.
Poor visual acuity, blurred vision, rainbows or halos around objects, photophobia or dry eyes may
occur if your lenses are worn continuously or for too long a time.
You should conduct a simple 3-part self-examination at least once a day. Ask yourself:
- How do the lenses feel on my eyes?
- How do my eyes look?
- Do I continue to see well?
If you report any problems, you should IMMEDIATELY REMOVE YOUR LENS.
If the discomfort or problem stops, you should then look closely at the lens.
If the lens is in any way damaged, you SHOULD NOT put the lens back on your eye. You should discard
the lens and place a new fresh lens on your eye.
If your lens has dirt, an eyelash, or foreign body on it, or the problem stops and the lens appears undam-
aged, you should dispose of the lens and apply a new fresh lens.
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