10. Daily Check List and Maintenance Schedule
All Oxford products are designed for minimum maintenance, however a number of safety checks
and procedures are required. A schedule of DAILY tasks are detailed below.
Daily checks and a bi-annual inspection and annual service and test will ensure a lift is kept in
optimum safe working condition. A list of spare parts is available upon request.
The LOAD TEST and CERTIFICATION should only be carried out by qualified personnel or
an authorised service dealer.
Daily Checklist
The patient MUST be removed from the Oxford Dipper prior to commencing maintenance routine.
The following procedures must be performed before each use:
• ENSURE the Oxford Dipper is within its valid 6 month period in accordance with LOLER
requirements. Typically this is confirmed by a dated decal affixed to the hoist.
• EXAMINE the framework to ensure no signs of deformation, corrosion or rusting,
particularly at the base of the mast.
• MAKE sure the mast is fully located in the floor socket and is free to rotate.
• MAKE sure the spreader bar (if fitted) is free to rotate.
• CHECK the spreader bar or chair support tube is firmly attached to the boom and the
safety latch holding the spreader bar or chair support tube to the boom is engaged and
working correctly.
• EXAMINE the sling hooks on the spreader bar and side suspenders for excessive wear. If
in doubt -
• If a spreader bar is fitted, ensure sling retaining discs are in place and function as intended.
• CHECK the safety latch which connects the chair to the chair support tube. Make sure the
chair is fully engaged and the latch prevents accidental disengagement.
• OPERATE the hydraulic unit to confirm the boom raises and lowers satisfactorily.
• CHECK the Ranger chair for correct engagement of the seat to the chassis.
• CHECK for hydraulic fluid leakage. Any leakage should be reported to a service engineer
immediately and
the lift should not be used until it has been inspected/repaired.
• EXAMINE slings for fraying or other damage. DO NOT use any sling if damaged or if the
sling shows signs of wear.
• EXAMINE all fixings and fasteners and ensure they are secure prior to use.
Daily Cleaning Schedule
Clean with ordinary soap and clean water and/or any hard surface disinfectant. Harsh chemical
cleaners or abrasives should be avoided as these may damage the surface finish of the lift.