1. Before use, please inspect the power and socket capacity if it is in line with this machine
2. No cover when use.
3. Do not put it under the socket.
4. Do not use in the flammable and explosive gas environment. Do not put it near it.
5. Do not put stick or other object in it lest touch the power and damage the machine.
6. Child and losing consciousness control should be taken care by grown-up then operate.
7. Provided machine part has not used for a long time you should unplug the power socket
and take off the switch.
8. It has enough space around, Space: bottom and two sides: 50cm.Front:120cm.
9. Do not use in the bath room.
10. Caution: outer shell can be heated during use. If it was heated higher than safety
installment, it would cut-off automatically.
11. Please open wind for 3 minutes before stop it. In order to keep it durable.
When you get trouble, don’t repair and please sent it the
Technical Assistance.
When room temperature is up to pointed temperature it will keep air temperature at fixed level by
During use you can get ideal temperature by it.
First turn it to the max position (clockwise to turn until the knob stop).
Once feel comfort for air around, then it turn (anticlockwise) the temperature back until it
The temperature can keep air.