Choose a coil according to the band you will be operate on
Connect the coil to the base
Extend the whip antenna to its maximum length and hook it up on top of the coil
[not a must but strongly recommended] Install radials or copper strap(not
included in the kit) to the 4-16/4-10 adaptor, put it between the antenna base
and the mount position, and the other end of the strap(if you are using it in the
car) connect to the ground point of the car.
Adjust the length of the whip antenna as well as radials until you get a sensible
VSWR readings(From an in/external VSWR meter, VNA or antenna analyzer).
In order to improve the efficiency of this GP antenna, having radials are very
important and especially for M-104, since it sacrifices the efficiency to meet the
portable size.
It’s recommended to have antenna analyzer or VNA to be able to read the
parameters of the antenna set up.
Of course it will be great if you have an antenna tuner
HAVE FUN WITH M-104, 73!