P/N 960-100190RA_Rev. A {EDP #148851}
© 2009, Japan CashMachine Co., Limited
2 - 3
VEGA-RC™ BankNote Recycler Section
Preventive Maintenance
Displays and Functions
This section provides definitions for the Seven (7)
Segment Display symbols, the various LED Light-
ing Patterns and the A,B,C & D Pushbutton opera-
tional functions of the VEGA-RC Recycler.
Locations are identified by their “Component
Names” on page 1-4. Figure 2-3 lists the various
Seven (7) Segment Display symbols, and Figure 2-
4 provides three (3) LED lighting conditions
present during diagnostic testing procedures.
To understand the diagnostics LED indications
shown by the various test conditions presented in
the Figures illustrated within this Section, Figure
2-4 is provided to define the three (3) different
Green and Red LED lighting states indicated by the
upper and lower LED’s located to the left of the
Seven (7) Segment Displays.
When first booting the VEGA-RC, initialization
begins when the Seven (7) Segment Display flash-
ing sequence shown in Figure 2-5 occurs.
1. Once initialization is complete, the Figure 2-7
flashing Display sequence will appear to indicate
the VEGA-RC is waiting for a start communica-
tion command from the VEGA Unit.
2. When start communication command is received
from the VEGA Unit, the VEGA-RC status LED
Display will indicate a Stand-By Mode condition
of “
”, or indicate the active count of recycled
notes within the Unit up to 30 (See Figure 2-8).
When the Rear Cover is open, the Seven (7)
Segment Display will indicate the flashing
sequence shown in Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-3
Seven Segment Display Definitions
Figure 2-4
Color LED Lighting Patterns
Green LED (Upper Left): Extinguished
Red LED (Lower Left): Extinguished
LED (Upper Left): Lit
Red LED (Lower Left): Extinguished
Green LED (Upper Left): Extinguished
LED (Lower Left): Lit
0.5 Seconds
Figure 2-5
Initializing Interface (in iF)
NOTE: When Banknotes are already stored
on the VEGA-RC Drum (Stacker), adjust the
Banknote stacked at the end to its Home
position while the Unit is initializing; or,
perform a manual Drum Winding operation
to bring Banknotes to the home position that
are not yet stored on the VEGA-RC Drum.
NOTE: If a Banknote Jam occurs while
closing the Rear Cover, the error condition
indicated in Figure 2-6 will occur.
0.5 Seconds
Figure 2-6
Banknote Jam Occurs (JAM)
0.5 Seconds
Figure 2-7
Waiting to Communicate (BUSY)
Figure 2-8
Stand-By (00~30 + Green LED)
NOTE: While in Stand-By mode, the
number of Banknotes within VEGA-RC is
shown on the 7 Segment Display.
0.5 Seconds
Figure 2-9
Rear Cover Open (oPEn)