Player Information
Touch the Player icon for relevant product information.
Set Time
This will allow you to adjust the date and time, which is
displayed on most screens of the player. Setting the 24 hour
time to on or off will change the way time is displayed, for
example, 3PM will display as 15:00 if set to on, and 3:00 if set
to off. Tap the or icons next to each item (year/month/
day/etc.) to adjust the value of that item.
Select to choose different languages available for the player.
Allows you to adjust screen brightness and backlight time.
Back Light Time
Allows you to adjust the length of time that the backlight will
stay lit when the player is idle. Tap the or icons to adjust
this item.
Allows you to adjust the screen brightness. Tap the numbered
icons to adjust your screen brightness, from 1-5. 5 is the
brightest setting, and will use the most power.