background image




You have completed the installation for this model!

Please refer to the Power Recommendation section for an 
amplifier recommendation and basic set-up help.

S T E P   1 3

Lower the rear seat and replace any removed contents. 

S T E P   1 2

Using the factory bolt that was removed in 


,  secure 

the L-bracket and the seat belts’ mount to the floor. 

Page 3 • JL Audio, Inc 2007

All specifications are subject to change without notice. “JL Audio®” and the JL Audio logo, “Stealthbox” and the Stealthbox logo are registered 
trademarks of JL Audio, Inc. “Ahead of the Curve” and its respective logo is a trademark of JL Audio, Inc. 

JLA-SKU#011247  -09-11-200

JLA-SKU#011247 -09-11-2007


  •  Printed in USA  •  ©2007 JL Audio, Inc.  •  U.S. PATENTS:  #5,734,734  #5,949,898  #6,118,884  #6,229,902  

#6,243,479  #6,294,959  #6,501,844  #6,496,590  #6,441,685  #5,687,247  #6,219,431  #6,625,292  #D472,891  #D480,709  Other U.S. & Foreign 
patents pending. For more detailed information please visit us online at

(954) 443-1100

w w w . j l a u d i o . c o m

1 0 3 6 9   N O R T H   C O M M E R C E   P A R K W A Y     •     M I R A M A R ,   F L O R I D A     •     3 3 0 2 5     •     U S A

I N C L U D E D   H A R D W A R E



 3/8-inch -16 x 1-inch Hex Bolt   

 3/8-inch -16 x 1-inch Hex Bolt   



 3/8-inch Split Lock Washer

 3/8-inch Split Lock Washer



 3/8-inch Flat Washer 


 3/8-inch Flat Washer 







Enclosure Type: 

Bass Reflex (ported)

Bass Reflex (ported)

Driver Type:



Nominal Impedance:

 3 ohms mono

3 ohms mono

Continuous Power Handling:


300 Watts

300 Watts

P O W E R   R E C O M M E N D A T I O N

P O W E R   R E C O M M E N D A T I O N

JL Audio recommends using a high quality amplifier such as the JL Audio 250/1v2.  
The diagram below shows the recommended crossover, infrasonic filter and equalizer settings for the 250/1v2 
when being used to power your Stealthbox



The JL Audio 250/1v2 is a very versatile audio component.  Please consult the owner’s manual for even more 
detailed information about installing and tuning this amplifier.

M I D / H I G H   F R E Q U E N C Y   D R I V E R   F I T M E N T

A variety of JL Audio coaxial and component systems will fit in the factory speaker locations of you vehicle.

Front Speaker Size / Location:

 6-inch x 9-inch / Front Doors

6-inch x 9-inch / Front Doors

Fits JL Audio Models**:

 *TR690-TXi & *VR690-CXi

TR690-TXi & *VR690-CXi

Rear Speaker Size / Location:

 6.5-inch / Rear Doors

6.5-inch / Rear Doors

Fits JL Audio Models:

 *TR650-CXi, *TR650-CSi, *VR650-CXi, *VR650-CSi, *XR650-CXi, XR650-CSi, 

 *TR650-CXi, *TR650-CSi, *VR650-CXi, *VR650-CSi, *XR650-CXi, XR650-CSi, 



 *C5-650x, *C5-650 & *ZR650-CSi



 *C5-650x, *C5-650 & *ZR650-CSi





*Spacer ring is required for proper mounting.

*Spacer ring is required for proper mounting.



**Other size speakers may be used, custom mounting ring is required.



**Other size speakers may be used, custom mounting ring is required.
