Fold the rear seats forward and remove
the exposed floor trim panel.
STEP 11:
Remove the rubber weather seal from
the rear passenger’s door opening.
Continued on Next Page
At the rear passenger’s side C-pillar. Lift
the flap covering the upper seat bolt anchor to
expose the mounting bolt.The flap needs to be lift-
ed from the bottom.
STEP 12:
Remove the plastic trim off the rear pas-
senger’s side C-Pillar.This is located behind the pas-
senger’s side rear door, in front of the passenger’s
side rear side window.
STEP 13:
Remove the large passenger’s side rear
cargo panel.
STEP 14:
Using an 8mm socket, remove the pair
of bolts that secures the tool kit partition.
If the vehicle is equipped with the OEM woofer sys-
tem, also remove at this time.
Using a 15mm socket, remove the
mounting bolt of the upper seat belt anchor.
STEP 10:
At the bottom of this seat belt assembly,
lift up on the rubber boot cover.
Use a T-45 socket to remove this lower seat belt
anchor mounting bolt.
S B - F - E X P E D / 1 0 W 6 A E , J L AU D I O, I n c 2 0 0 4
S h e e t S K U # 0 1 1 1 0 6 R ev i s i o n 6 / 2 9 / 2 0 0 4
Pa g e 2
w w w . j l a u d i o . c o m