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CX0502 Rev 00.4
3.2. Safety Signal Words
The following safety signal words might appear in this
document. Read and understand their meaning below:
The DANGER signal word indicates an
imminently hazardous situation. It calls
attention to a procedure, practice, or
the like that if not correctly performed
or adhered to will result in death
or serious personal injury. Do not
proceed beyond a DANGER signal
word until the indicated conditions are
fully understood and met.
The WARNING signal word indicates a
potentially hazardous situation. It calls
attention to a procedure, practice, or
the like that if not correctly performed
or adhered to could result in death
or serious personal injury. Do not
proceed beyond a WARNING signal
word until the indicated conditions are
fully understood and met.
The CAUTION signal word indicates a
potentially hazardous situation. It calls
attention to a procedure, practice,
or the like that if not correctly
performed or adhered to may result
in minor or moderate personal injury,
material damage, particularly to the
product, destruction of part or all of
the product, or loss of data. Do not
proceed beyond a CAUTION signal
word until the indicated conditions are
fully understood and met.